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Showing posts from October, 2014

Cpl Nathan Cirillo and Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent

Early this week, a crazed individual hit two Canadian Forces soldiers with his car . Warrant Officer Patrice Vincent died from his injuries. Yesterday, an act of terrorism was carried out at our country's capital, when a lone gunman shot and killed Corporal Nathan Cirillo . These deaths are senseless and leave me with a heavy heart. They remind me that Canada is not immune to these things. We've got thousands of people who follow ISIS or are supporters. I'm sure many of them wouldn't hesitate to kill more military, given the chance. We sent 6 planes to fight in Iraq ... that's all? Shouldn't we stand up for with our allies, as they are supporting us? Regardless, we have to be on guard on our home soil ... everyone needs to be! These things can happen anywhere, and the perps don't care who's around; they'll wipe out everyone in their path. Take care, stay aware and love your families like never before. Toodles.

Back Again

After another long break from my blog, I'm back. Not sure what I'm going to write about. Family, friends, the news? The family is doing good. Everyone gets along well, for the most part. Everyone's healthy and happy. Ariya is growing like a weed; almost walking - at 8 months! She's incredible. Friends. All is well. We see each other when we can. When there's time. Which there isn't much of in this busy world. I cherish the times we do have together. The news. There are just so many things one can talk about with the news. Winnipeg police just found 4 newborn babies' bodies in a storage locker. They're so decomposed the police weren't sure if there were 3 or 4. Very sad. The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) extremists have been a little quiet lately. Kind of scary. In the past few months they've beheaded many soldiers and news reporters, as well as terrorized and slaughtered their own people. Thousands of civilians have tried...