of Vivienne Anne Lemery Schapansky Kozakevich September 13, 1949 - February 13, 1991 My mother, mom, mommy, friend, confidante, mentor, cohart in crime, teacher, student, love of my life. I miss you so much sometimes and other times I forget about you. Is that horrible to say, or horrible to say out loud? Oh to be able to sit down and share a cup of tea with you. What would you think of me and my choices over the years? Would you have smiled on them or would you have hoped I would choose differently? What type of person would I have been if you had lived? I was (who am I fooling, I am ) very selfish and self-centered, spoiled and over-indulged. I lived for me and to hell with everyone else. Two sets of rules, right? I think I am finally starting to understand and am slowly seeing where my choices have led me. You've made your bed... comes to mind among other adages. I see the choices you made and didn't make, and I so much more understand where you were at and what you were th...
be smart, be safe, don't be afraid to talk, ask questions, figure things out, protect yourself, respect yourself, know you're loved by someone more than you could ever imagine, you are amazing, absolutely incredible, the best, be true to your beliefs, embrace each day, learn something new, love always, always love, love all ways, forever