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Showing posts from March, 2006

Oilers #6

Oilers #5

Oilers #4

Oilers #3

Oilers #2

Oilers #1

Suck It Up, Buttercup!!

To quote my dear friend B, "Suck it up girlfriend!" I prefer to use Buttercup, but it all means the same thing. Shit or get off the pot. Figure it out and move on, up or around. Do something. Anything! Just quit bitching about it! Everyone is tired of hearing it. Albert Einstein said, "Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results." Why do some of us continue that way? Why do we do things in the same way and the same order and with the same intent, but expect things to come out differently? What's been taking your time of late? DBR and BDJ are in football again, together this year! Their first game is on Friday night. Dadums is coaching, so that is cool too! They will be wearing their new Cutters - very exciting!! KVS got her hair done today and it looks awesome. Kind of a bob with dark underneath and light on top. I'm sure she'll have some pictures done soon - she takes many! Critters are all well. A little friend f...

Kleenex stock goes up!

Still at home, still got a medicine head (along with approximately 20 lbs of snot), checking work at home (yeah - pretty dumb), and snoozing on and off. Sorry to hear our friends down south have been sick. Happy belated K! (You can forget mine in August - lol.) Hope your test goes well tomorrow C. Know you're in our thoughts often. Hope you're well. Love, hugs and kisses. Back to bed...

Ah ... Ah ... Ah Choo!!!!!!!

Do you ever google something (or whatever search engine you use) just to see what weird stuff will show up? It sure passes a feverish day! Canada cold flu led me to 'More Mad Cow' which I can kind of relate to. Kleenex is calling....

Britney Balding?

OMG! Britney's balding! Now don't get me wrong. There was a time, way, way, way long ago when the happenings of popstars would perhaps raise my eyebrow ... however I can't ever remember it being something as stupid as a young lady balding! More like the white gloved wonder catching his hair on fire during the Pepsi commercial filming ... or the gossip of did he actually 'do it' with the girl on the Thriller video? Can the media come up with nothing better to write about than balding !?! She's still a little chubby from having her baby but she obviously isn't reacting to that anymore so they have to try something new. Oh man, if that is being famous, I sure don't want it! The flu would seem to have left our house and migrated to the other parent's place. Poor Dadums who had to work while spewing goo in the loo! Sad when a large company doesn't have enough employees in certain areas to cover illnesses, overtime and vacation. Happy 4th birthda...

Everything out!

Well, I thought had a touch of the flu on Monday or Tuesday, but now there is no doubt. I woke up and just made it, an urgency that hasn't hit for years. Lucy was standing beside me as I crouched over the loo to let loose the goo - trying to figure out what was going on. As I started to think thankfully it's done and started to blow my nose, nausea rose up and moved through my body flipping me around to empty the lower half and grab a pail for the upper half that decided it wasn't finished. This was at 8:12 AM. Up to the point of writing this, I have alternated between the biffy and my bed, and have slept on and off for the past 8 hours. My back aches, my head aches, my insides ache, my arse in on fire and there seems to be something stuck in my nose that just doesn't want to dislodge itself. I'm afraid to blow too hard and lose what little brain I have left, not to mention I think anything louder than the clicking of these keys will send me into orbit. Thank you s...

Life's the Shits

BDJ and I had the trots on Monday, now they've hit DBR and KVS. Life really is the shits in this house today. Interesting piece on Jason's blog . Please be sure to read his whole message with the little clip prior to firing off any hate mail. If you get offended then turn it off. I personally agree with Jason and can understand the troops needing to let off a little steam. More to come...


Okay, this should be the last of me. :-) I really hate having to get this online this way. It would be much nicer to be able to do it a different way. Such is life...







A Little IHB

More IHB...

Getting What You Want

You know, sometimes you work really, really hard. You commit yourself, you try and try again. You give it all you've got and then you give it that little bit more. And then ... you get what you want. Sometimes that really sucks. Something about Jim Benton speaks to me like nothing else. Whether It's Happy Bunny or Dog of Glee or Sweetypuss, there's something for everyone! My favourite has to do with sculptures. Thanks to CH for that present! So, here are a bunch of IHB. Enjoy!


When you don't stay in contact with people, they don't tell you anything! What's up with that? LOL. I received an email from an aunt a couple weeks ago letting me know that a cousin got engaged at Christmas and another was getting married 5 days after the email. The latter was going to be very small - no aunts, uncles or cousins - and the former is happening in June but again a very small wedding (not sure if that means no cousins). Having news delivered this way really lets you know where you fall on the totem pole - but that is a choice I've made. Oh, the joys of family. Although my mom was moved away to Edmonton by my birth father when I was a wee girl, I understand now why my mom didn't move back. A wonderful continuation of family dysfunction where communication skills are practiced by ceasing to speak to one another rather than resolving anything. A few years later you start talking again, but you do not discuss anything from the past. The frightening thin...

Ooo... Touch the Cow! Touch the Cow!!

Well, thank you to my friend KR. This link is a must for everyone - very serious stuff. And if you don't click on this link within 5 minutes you will grow a wart on the end of your baby toe and your nose will run for a week. Cow Abduction . It's been a while since I've been on. I went through a down spell for a bit after my last post. Just needed to spend some time reflecting on where I am and where I would like to be. Thinking of my mom helped; I can't believe how much I can relate now to the things she told me when I was a new mom and just before she died. Life is good, though. Our kids are growing and challenging and really are interesting people. They are outspoken, for some reason (must get it from their father) and they continue to amaze me with the questions they ask and the comments they make. Everything is gay right now and do African people have black ... ? OMG! Time to sign off and go have some fun. Toodles!