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Showing posts from April, 2006

Taking Care of Yourself

Life is busy. Home, family, friends, work ... they all take time, right? How do you balance your time? I often feel like I'm struggling with this - sometimes I'm a step ahead and other times a step behind. Right now at work I feel like I'm drowning, but I'm not the only one and in some ways that helps. I try to keep my spirits up as much as possible, so as not to be dragged down into the spiral of negativity that can happen when everyone has too much to do and not enough time. In my search for words of wisdom, I came across the lululemon site and their manifesto has some good advice. My favourites include: Your outlook on life is a direct reflection of how much you like yourself. Life is full of setbacks. Success is determined by how you handle setbacks. You ALWAYS have choice and the conscious brain can only hold one thought at a time. Choose a positive thought. Wake up and realize you are surrounded by amazing friends. Listen, listen, listen, and then ask strategi...

Back and Forth and All Around

Today has been a good day. Spent time with the kidlets, then with BDJ driving again, then a while searching for the keys that he lost and then ran out for some supper and now just chillaxin' and enjoying the afternoon. Could take little Lucy for a walk - or could sit and relax. I'm more into the relaxing today. How have you spent your time? Do you have pets? Any crafts or hobbies? Housecleaning or cooking? Just a second ... littlest fat dog is eating something - one of the little pellets the boys have been shooting at each other of late. Active living and healthy eating? Thinking about running and looking at info about taking it up. I need something to reduce stress and that would most certainly help. O is always saying exercise will help and I can't imagine something more exercise-ey (is there such a term) as that. We'll see if I get started and then if I follow through. It's taken me a bit to write this - with surfing the net and snooping around. Have a great ni...

To Infinity ... And Beyond!

Congratulations to BDJ on obtaining his learner's permit! He's been driving a lot and rubbing his older brother's and sister's noses in it. He isn't too bad - frightens me a little with a couple things but for the most part he's doing a bang up ... er, smashing ... um, fantastic job! He had a little more trouble in the Beemer than in my Lucy II (yes, I named my car), but that's the way things go with a stick. He will get better with practice and will benefit from a driving course. I think KVS may be next, but I'm sure DBR won't be far behind. :-) You'll be some of the first to know. Editorial side vent - this is my opinion. In no way do I mean anything as a threat. While my anger may be expressed through words, my actions speak loudest as I calmly watch the world go round.: How does one not know what one's spouse is doing? Of course we are all individuals and there is potential to do anything when no one is around, but if your spouse had no...