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Showing posts from April, 2008

Sunday Liptrums

Reading the Sunday morning newspaper can bring out a plethora of thoughts and emotions. Sounds like Inkfest is going well. We like tattoos in our family. I do encourage our kids not to get anything done on a part of your body that is easily shown. I guess that part of me is old school - tats aren't part of the boardroom yet. I think that sleeves are gorgeous, but just not for me. I realize I don't really have any say in this, but encourage them all to wait a couple years until they start colouring everything. A fire near Commonwealth Stadium sent a woman to hospital. She isn't cooperating with police. The message that sends to me is she's involved in some form of illegal activity. Perhaps I'm wrong, but what other reason would keep you from assisting authorities. Further, let's assume these people are involved in less than desirable things. Why the hell do neighbours allow their names to be published in the paper??? Is there not a possibility of repercussions? ...

Talk to your kids!

If there is one piece of parenting advice I can share it is to talk with your kids. Ya ya, you're saying, you already talk to your kids. But do you really? Kids will say and do the darndest things, won't they. Do you really know what your kid is like when outside the house, or do you just think you know what's in their heads? What's on the go with their friends. What's making them most and least happy? I'm not trying to imply that I know my kids in and out. There are things I don't know and likely things I don't want to know. I think we've kept open lines of communication with our kids since they've been born. We've heard more than one difficult question. That means hearing some things you may not want to listen to. If you close off one conversation without listening respectfully or by giving a brush off answer, you may not get asked again. Maybe the next question was a really important one - one that you would give anything to go back and ha...

19 Degrees

I didn't realize how much I use the word WELL; way too much! So, we'll try to get away from that - now so is the bad word. Oh hell, close the window if you don't want to read my wordiness. LOL Saturday morning and many things to do. The house is a disaster, I've got to get the system for the house ordered, groceries, more cleaning, banking, pub night tonight. There's always something. I'm just finishing my pot of coffee. Darrin drinks a lot of coffee. I can take it or leave it, but will have some most mornings. I prefer decaf but am not allowed to make it if I have to share with Stirstik - he likes the full strength, STRONG brew that holds up a big spoon. It's supposed to be really warm today; 19C. Anything over 10 will be a treat. Time to get out the lawn chairs, clean off the barbeque and sweep the patio. Woohoo! I'm not tucking the snow shovel completely away, but I'm sure hoping it won't see anymore use. Have to pick up groceries today, for w...


I feel like shit; my ass is dragging more than we used to on main street. theatrical pause Okay. That was lame. I'll stick to my day job. Seriously, I'm extra tired. Not always a good sign, but that remains to be seen. I used my FB stats to ponder if our house will get egged this weekend. We came out this afternoon to find Braunt's car had been kicked in in the back end. Now, again, I am not saying this is anyone specific. We get a lot of kids hanging around because of the schools, so it could be anyone. Going to try to post a video, but not sure if it will work. I find this song thought provoking. Well, that didn't work. Let's try this again. object width = " 425" height=" 355"> Well, I'm not sure that will show us a video. Man! Well, I can get it on my FB if this doesn't work so head over there. Enough for tonight. It's time for bed ... or laying on the couch on stake-out. :-) Toodles!


In re-reading my Saturday morning post, I see where my words may have been misunderstood by someone who doesn't understand for whom the post was written. To clarify: We awoke to a difficult situation early Saturday morning. It did not and does not involve the egging of our house, nor anyone outside of our house or family. It involved our youngest son and his incredibly bad choice that caused us to be roused from our bed. My rant of two posts ago was pointed directly at my youngest son, who made an incredibly stupid choice. My words were written to him, to further add to the lengthy discussion we had into the wee hours of Saturday morning. It was to reiterate everything Darrin and I had talked and ranted and raved and cried about to him. It was my plea to publicly tell him to smarten up and not take anything for granted. When I wrote that I would not tolerate anymore bad choices, I meant that this was his third bad choice in as many weeks and that Darrin and I are at the end of ...

RIP Buzzwinkle

Anchorage is mourning the loss of Buzzwinkle , who was euthanized after being found emaciated. Buzzwinkle received his name after imbibing some fermented crab apples. I read this morning about a 17-year-old Canadian teen being sentenced to one year in prison and 200 lashes. I don't condone this as a blanket punishment for everyone, however I believe the number of repeat offenders would be cut down considerable if this was a known consequence for illegal behaviour. I watched Lockdown last night. Some inmates were talking about their lives growing up and how things changed when they got older. They all said they, "should have called the police," but didn't for a variety of reasons. People who choose to get into bad situations and CHOOSE not to get themselves out or smack the dumb ass "friend" who is doing the illegal activity face the same consequences, if not more. Many of them are "scapegoats", whether truly or only in their imagination, but i...

Momums' Saturday Morning Tantrum

Okay, I've got a more than a few things to rant about today. WTF!?!?!?!?!? First and foremost: I challenge the youngsters in the little SUV, who ONCE AGAIN egged our house, to have the kajonees (that's BALLS to those of you who can only spell in single letters and words without vowels) to come to my house . Bring your folks along! I'm sure we'll all get along splendidly . What's that? You can't make it? Maybe you don't want your parents to know? Well, let me come to you . No, no, it's no problem at all; I can easily accommodate you and your schedule. I welcome having an intelligent discussion and debate about the danger you put our family into when you hit our large 45-year-old picture window which, I'm sure your parents will agree , can be fatal if the brittle thing broke, hurting or killing the person sitting on the couch below the window. I'd love to hear from you! Give me a shout soon so we can get together. Love, hugs and kisses!! :-) On...