The weather has been very nice this May. Not too much rain, although we have been hit with an early outbreak of mosquitoes. The news says some of them are decades old eggs. Whatever it is, they're hungry and feasting on everything they can see. I'm loving my photography. Unfortunately, financially it's not liking me. I spend money on new things and gas, and then take free pictures or pics of old buildings and such. A hard market to break into. Plus, I don't think my pics are that good yet, so that's probably part of it. I'm also not advertising enough nor in the right places, so that's a big part. It'll happen or it won't. Meh. Life is interesting right now. My bipolar is all over the place. Doc is trying to figure it out, but then he goes on holidays for three weeks and I have to sit and wait for his return, while trying to figure things out in my own brain. Back to work in a couple weeks (thankfully) and hopefully onward and upward. The family is d...
be smart, be safe, don't be afraid to talk, ask questions, figure things out, protect yourself, respect yourself, know you're loved by someone more than you could ever imagine, you are amazing, absolutely incredible, the best, be true to your beliefs, embrace each day, learn something new, love always, always love, love all ways, forever