We got a little snow yesterday. About 20 cm (8") with it still coming down and expected to end around noon today. I don't mind the snow so much as the cold. While our temps aren't supposed to be too bad, the windchill is going to bring them almost to -30C. Chilly!! The weather is playing havoc on the roads as well. Kiershyn had her first drive on snow covered highways yesterday. She made it through though and I'm sure learned a lot. Dad's driving her today, so that will give her a little respite. In Ferguson, Missouri, there are riots and looting going on. Michael Brown , an African American, was shot by a white officer, Darren Wilson, in August of this year. A few days ago, a grand jury decided not to indict Wilson for Brown's death. This has not sat well with a lot of people so instead of doing something constructive, they choose to loot and burn and destroy one another's property. Wow! That's a great way of showing your respect for the dead. O...
be smart, be safe, don't be afraid to talk, ask questions, figure things out, protect yourself, respect yourself, know you're loved by someone more than you could ever imagine, you are amazing, absolutely incredible, the best, be true to your beliefs, embrace each day, learn something new, love always, always love, love all ways, forever