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Showing posts from February, 2015

The Never Ending Battle with Food

Katrina's words really spoke to me. From Jennifer Pastiloff's website . JOURNEY TOWARDS SELF-ACCEPTANCE. FEBRUARY 14, 2015 By Katrina Willis. My relationship with food and with my body is complicated, slippery, broken. My ability to deal with it from a place of reason and intellect waxes and wanes. No matter how it may or may not manifest itself, I will always have an eating disorder. Just as rape is not about sex, eating disorders are not necessarily about food. For me, it is a hole that needs to be filled; an endless, confusing journey toward self-acceptance and the ability to say without second-guessing: I am worthy, I am whole, I am enough. It is about control, or lack thereof. It is about shame. ** I can’t be trusted around food. I don’t trust myself to prepare it. I don’t trust myself to eat it. When other people cook for me, it feels safe. And I know what they choose for me is better than what I might choose for myself. I am constantly at battle with ...

Happy New Year!

I'm over a month late, but happy new year! I hope your best of 2014 is your worst of 2015. Life is busy as always. Ellie and I volunteer at the airport on Fridays now. We walk the strip and meet people and talk with them. They pet Ellie and perhaps get rid of some anxiety or tension. Today we spoke with an airport employee who had to put her two dogs down last June. She teared up petting Ellie and telling me about it. I think it was good for her to get it out without fear of being judged. It helped. The kids are all doing fine. Drey and Jo are staying busy working and running their house. Kier and Tyler are still with us. They've got their down payment and just put an offer in on a house!! They're playing the back and forth bartering game, but that should be over soon. We're so excited for them. Braunt, Bre and Ariya are all doing well. Braunt's working hard and Bre works equally as hard at home. Ariya. Oh my Peanut. She is getting so big! She started walking ...