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What's new? Well, all's going pretty damn good for us. Certainly can't complain about anything. I'm trying to be more mindful and considerate. It goes pretty good except sometimes when I'm driving. I'm not sure why stupid people are allowed to drive, but I certainly don't feel anything happy and peaceful toward them. LOL

Dre and Jo are all settled in and it seems like it's been like this forever. It's going well - we have no tension or anything - just a few friends sharing a pad. They're saving like crazy, so that's all that matters. Django, Sebastian and Pinchy, our grandcrabs, are doing well. Sebastian molted and lost a leg, and Django's disappeared so he's probably doing the same. Pinchy was out for a few hours when they first brought them over from their place, but then he buried himself and hasn't been seen since. They can stay hidden FOREVER it seems. I worried that they had kicked off, but I guess it's just what they do. If you don't smell anything bad then all's okay. If you smell fish then one of them has died. So far so good! Drey and Joanna got engaged!!! They're planning a September 2016 wedding. I'm so very excited for them!

Kiershyn and Tyler have been partying it up like crazy! They really enjoy raves and drove with two friends to Winnipeg for a weekend event. They've also gone to a few in the city - I'm not sure how often they happen, but they catch a few of them. Our grandcats, Finn, Coco and Dorie, are doing well. Actually, Finnie is having some trouble with his ears. He spins around in circles, over and over. The vet said it's some sort of inner ear problem - I can't remember the name. It can lead to deafness, though, and we're wondering if that isn't happening already. I guess he yowls very loudly now - like he's trying to hear himself. Could just be a silly cat thing, but it's food for thought. Coco is a good girl - acts like Dorie's mommy. Dorie still hates people, although every so often she'll sit with Kier just because.

Braunt, Breanna and Ariya are all doing well too. Bre and Ariya are home during the day while Braunt's at work. Bre spends so much time teaching and working with Ariya. It's definitely apparent in the number of words she knows alone. Her level of problem solving, with little stacking cups a couple days ago, is high. Of course I think she's the smartest baby in the world. Isn't she? lol They've gone camping a few more times and next weekend Braunt and Bre are leaving Ari with Bre's parents, Daryl and Tammy, and they're going for an adult only camp-out with friends. I'm sure they're going to have a blast. Braunt and Breanna have picked July 23, 2016 as their wedding date. It's exciting participating in wedding plans.

The critters are great. Gator is going to be 15 in October and is still going strong. Last night we ate roast beef together - he would've like the bun too (he's a carb fiend thanks to Tyler) but I held back giving him any. He's an amazing cat; comes when he's called, sits, sits pretty, gives GREAT hugs. Joni is a crazy little dog. She's just SUCH a dog it's amazing. Sniffing everything, herding the cats, chasing squirrels and birds. Ellie is the lover of the bunch. She's always sneaking in and up, and army crawling up you to get kisses and hugs. Her barking has gotten a lot better over the years, so I guess we'll keep her. ;)

Darrin and I are getting old. LOL Never thought I'd say that. I just find that some parts of me hurt by the end of the day and other parts hurt when I get up in the morning. Darrin's back is screwed and his shoulder has been giving him a time of it too. Well, these things can be expected. We'll get used to them and move on. Darrin did SCADS of work in the yard today, which also adds to his pain. He mowed, weed eated, did the eaves, cleaned the pad, edged the front lawn and a bunch of stuff I don't even know about. He's such an amazing man. There's no way anyone has a better husband that I do.

Onto the news ...

Not only will BMW not be putting manual transmissions in the M series cars anymore, they've also capped the horsepower at 600. WTH is up with that?

There was a giant slip and slide in Edmonton today! Wish we had've gone, although the lines looked as long as the slide. 7,000 took in the slide! It looks like a hoot. I thought it looked a little slow, but one of the participants said you actually picked up a bit of speed the further on you went.

Nexen Energy has had a 5,000,000 litre spill of bitumen and water up north. Thankfully there's no wildlife affected. Hopefully they'll be able to get it cleaned up and reclaimed quickly. Man, their stocks are soooo going to drop!

This is an interesting article. I know people who use drugs - some are close friends. However, I know only one addict and I'm not sure the person is even really addicted. It just makes me wonder.

The psychiatrict effects of marijuana are discussed in this article. Very interesting.

Mixed up babies!! Two sets of identical twins were born in Columbia 20 some years ago. Unfortunately, two of the babies were accidentally switched. When a friend alerted one of the men to is doppleganger, the four men figured out what happened. It seems to have worked out for them all, so that's good.

That's all for now. Toodles!
