What's happening in your world? Anything new and exciting? Any trips coming up? My world is not very exciting. Cancer screening blood work this morning. Mayor's Forum tonight at 5:30. Take the beast in to have the winter tires put on tomorrow. Rest on Wednesday. Woodsie, Owen and Nickelback on Thursday. Darrin's home Friday morning! Circus on Sunday with Auntie Jo, Ariya and (hopefully) Charlotte - it depends if Megan will be down then. We had originally asked Abbi, but her Mommy said no. ð C'est la vie. Wedding pictures are in! Drey looks so serious in some of them. LOL Especially any of the ones with me. Too funny. Here we go! Drey and Josh Braunt and Drey face off Tyler and Drey Dale and Drey Riley and Drey looking WAY too serious Dustun and Drey Having the mother-in-law daughter-in-law talk. LOL Breanna, Kennda, Savannah, Kiershyn and me Dustun, Braunt, Dale, Riley, Josh, Tyler Darrin and Dad (DÅ) ...
be smart, be safe, don't be afraid to talk, ask questions, figure things out, protect yourself, respect yourself, know you're loved by someone more than you could ever imagine, you are amazing, absolutely incredible, the best, be true to your beliefs, embrace each day, learn something new, love always, always love, love all ways, forever