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Small Towns ... Small Minds ... TheCartierFamily ... Reactions

 Mr. Jason Aldean has lit up the internet with his song Try That In a Small Town. It's being labelled anti-everything. Most are saying it's racist because it's filmed in front of a courthouse where a black youth was hanged in the early 1900s, it shows a lot of protests and some of them have black people in them, and it mentions "good ole boys raised up right" which is being compared to the KKK. Hmmm.

When I listen to and the song, I hear that people are sick and tired of all the protests, the destroying and looting of businesses, the continual conspiracy theories, and that none of it would fly in a small town. He's also saying that society as a whole is pretty screwed up when they burn their flag, carjack old ladies, anything that shows "the man"who he's really dealing with. Act a fool, if you like.

Let's cue the CartierFamliy reaction. They say, "No moral man can have peace of mind if he leaves undone what he knows he should have done." Let's what other reactions they elicit.
