I think I’ve just clued into something – reading other people’s blogs! I’m not sure if they’re all true and fact based as they just read like books, but some of them are absolutely amazing! I am pretty sure nothing I write compares with what they have and that my words are just a bunch of letters strewn together on paper with little meaning to anyone but me. I’ll try to figure out how to add them to my links or something to let you in on some of the ones I’ve found.
I had started a blog yesterday about choices and society and opinions and a bunch of other rants, so I’m going to include it here even though I believe it just rambles out of control. (You’ve heard of incessant talking? Well this is incessant typing! *smile*)
Word of the day…
I’m not sure what the word of the day is going to be. I just had to figure out a header, so that’s what I’m going to use until I figure out something else. Like every good rant, this one will ramble on and on and on I’m sure…
Why do we choose to make the choices we do? Why do we allow the breakage of some rules, but not the others. Why will we “turn a blind eye” to one thing but not another? Why is it some parents will allow their children to do some things while other parents would never allow that, but then the second set of parents allows a different thing and the first set of parents thinks they’re out to lunch! Another example is your work ethic and how it means you do certain things a certain way because that’s how they’re supposed to be done. What happens though when you have a co-worker who doesn’t work that way and who actually does everything the opposite, but no one (meaning those higher up) does anything about it so the unacceptable becomes acceptable. What causes some to band together with similar opinions and form what becomes societal norms? Why do societal norms change? Because of technology and advancements or because of tolerances to differences? Could you image seeing a couple of cowboys riding into town together holding hands, getting off at the nearest hitching post and swapping spit prior to sashaying into the bar for a Chianti prior to the main course? That never would have happened. Why does it happen now? What happens that causes us to look at two people and say, “They’re entitled to do whatever they would like to with each other. They’re both consenting adults and it is none of my business what two people do in the privacy of their own home.” Don’t get me wrong, I have absolutely nothing against same, different, hetero, bi, homo, mono, whatever sexuals … I am just raising the question of how and when this happened? Has it been building over time, as men and women learned that they don’t necessarily need to be with someone of the opposite sex, or anyone at all for that matter, in order to be complete? Do we not see signs of same sex choice in animals – although I’ve always wondered why we “the higher beings” compare ourselves to animals? Anyway, we see that there are geese living in 3-somes (oh, my!) and I’m sure there must be more than just that (but to be honest, I haven’t really researched it very well). Anyway, do I want to have a complete relationship with a woman? No, but I can certainly understand why some would and I would never begrudge anyone the choice of partner they made. STILL, when did we as a society make the “rule” that men and women only had to be together and when did we change it? I know back in the Roman times that there were orgies and homosexuality and lots of wicked things – why did they, the society back then, decide they didn’t want that anymore? I’m sure there are some who would love to go back to those times, while others would say no way! When those who are of the same mind and opinion band together, do they always form ‘religions’ or do they sometimes just form groups and clubs? What’s the difference between the Holey Church of Shamo and the East 49th Square Dancers? Really? Is there a difference?
Onto today. I’m home from work because BDJ has to go for a bone scan and it’s going to take the better part of 4 hours. No, nothing bad so don’t worry. He injured his ankle playing football and has been struggling with for a bit now. When he saw the doc a few weeks back, he was told that he needed to do special exercises but also should have a cast in order for it to heal properly. As it was mid-season, there was no way this kid was going to miss any playing by having a cast, and the doc said he wouldn’t really hurt it anymore so instead recommended a split/brace type thing until he was finished playing. Now that the season is done, he’s been back to the doc to get his cast, but the doc wants to check his bone and cartilage because if it’s damaged then they will leave the cast on a little longer. So, that means I got to sleep in this morning – ya right! Until all of 6:03 (usually 5:00) when the littlest fat dog woke me up by getting herself tangled in the sheets and began howling to get out. I think I'll share our funny morning routine:
Raffi cat comes hoping onto the bed typically somewhere between 4:30AM and 5:00AM and that wakes up Lucifer who is usually sleeping near the middle of the bed under the covers (OMG some of you are saying – well, suck it up buttercup – it’s not your bed!). Lucifer then begins her journey of attempting to find her way out from under the blankets. That would probably be a whole lot easier if Lucy was bigger or if my king-sized bed was smaller, and if I didn’t sleep with a sheet, blanket and duvet on my bed! By the time she wiggles out, I’ve already been roused from my sleep – as she snorts and whines and whimpers while she’s rooting around trying to escape. However, being the good little dog that she is, she always comes up and makes sure I’m awake by sniffing my ears and nose. If I hide my face, she will whimper and whine and eventually bark to let me know that it’s time to get up. Once I’m up, she starts dancing around on the bed while I put on my robe and slippers. Bigger fat dog (Britt) has been snuffling and groaning and stretching throughout this time so that she too is now dancing at the door. Putting Lucifer on the floor, we begin the procession to the back door. Raffi usually joins in as he pounces on us from the bathroom door and by the time we get to the back door Brittany is barking and woofing and Lucy is jumping on her back and how the kids can sleep through this I really don’t know. So, out the girls go to do their morning business with Raffi’s face plastered at the door and Gator staring solemnly through the baby gate behind me. It is sure a lot nicer now that Lucy is getting better at going out – I’m getting tired of finding presents all over the house! It’s nice that this stage is almost done. Britt hardly ever has accidents so it will be nice when Lucy can go a wee bit longer. Anyway, back to the morning story. When the girls are done, I boot Raffi (who will try to escape about 1 out of every 50 times, but you just never know which time) and let them in. Now begins the treat production. I call it a production because Lucy puts on a show that is incredible. Best summed up it resembles something like this ‘we’re gonna get a treat a real treat a yummy treat a hey Britt did you know a treat hi Raffi oh your face is dirty mom’s leg where’s the treat did someone drop the treat I gotta have a where’s mine how come Britt and Raffi get theirs first’ slurp … that’s it we’re done where’s the rest there’s gotta be more Britt are you hiding any Raffi got one under your paw hey there’s Gator WHAP YIP’ … silence. I guess you’ve figured out by now that Gator doesn’t really like Lucy. Actually, Gator doesn’t really like anything that’s on 4 legs. We’re quite certain he thinks he’s a people and he still cannot believe the audacity of us to bring animals into the house!
Toodles for today… gotta get kids up and things happening.
Figure I might as well add this now, seeing as my attempt at posting this morning didn’t work. I’ve got a feeling it’s the pictures, but I’m not certain. Anyhoo…
Okay – we’re finished the bone scan and that has got to be one of the coolest things I’ve ever seen. BDJ got an injection of this serum and as it started to work through his bloodstream, we could see it start to enter his feet. It was the neatest thing. Then we went away for a couple hours and then back for some more pictures. It was very incredible to see how quickly things move in the body. We discussed how much he had probably grown in that period of time – maybe a micrometre? They probably already have a way of measuring things to that degree – and if this machine were to be left on it would probably capture that growth. Incredible. Although nothing looked out of wack to my untrained eye, there was white and fuzzy and grey and black all over (kind of like looking at a negative).
So now we’re back home and have a few more things to do before we get to supper. I’d best check the email from work or there will be scads of it tomorrow. I’ve also got some work work to do – but that never seems to call me as strongly as the things around the house do. Take care of yourselves and toodles for now.
(Unfathomable) Final thought for the day... If you're standing in 6 inches of the very first snowfall of the year, how many billions of snowflakes make up the first layer?
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