It's great to hear that the little deer who got his head stuck in a fake pumpkin has managed to get it off. See where curiosity can get you?
I actually got this picture from an article titled A Man's Guide to Unwanted Pregnancies. Have a read and keep yourself safe.
Thinking of having sex without a condom then have a look at this.
I read about these things when I do my morning news update: it includes a little time spent on the net reading the Sun and the AP. While I'm getting the hair and makeup done, I listen to CHED. In the evening I will spend a bit more time online reading others' blogs and following various links. I then consider myself informed for the day.
I also enjoy listening to music. I flip between a variety of radio stations 88.5, 90.1, 90.9, 91.7, 92.5, 97.3, 100.3 and 102.9 and CDs on the way to work, and listen to Pandora or YouTube when I'm on the puter. When I think I can sing, I like to attempt From this Moment, Tonight and the Rest of My Life, Fallen, Stupid, Crazy, Walking After Midnight, I Fall To Pieces, She Got You, Blue, I Need You, How Do I, (although I like Trisha's version better), Whose Bed Have Your Boots Been Under, and bunches of others that I just can't think of right now. Give me a shout if you're up for some karaoke! I would absolutely love to get a group together to do that!
Well, that's about all for now. I'm supposed to be getting my hair done today, but I didn't get the map and I have a feeling it may be cancelled. Not a biggie - I'll just do something myself and zip off the ole bangs. LOL.
Toodles for now.
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