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Showing posts from June, 2005

Happy Father's Day Everyone!

My friend BD is absolutely crazy (yes, that's why we get along so well), and sent me this little ditty... Some people are like Slinkies: Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs... BD, you didn't do anything you're going to ask me to help you hide later, are you? *snicker* Well, today has been a good day. It started last night with our Dadums getting his presents. He got a couple of golf items, a new chest for his money and jewelry and such, and an Authentic Ray Lewis Baltimore Ravens jersey . We got it on Ebay for a song. Well, not a song, but for a lot less than it would have been new! Found out my Dad has taken a trip to the Maritimes. He didn't email us or anything, so I didn't find out until I called to wish him H.F.D. and learned he hasn't been home for 20 days. Wow! Not sure why he decided to go it alone, but that's his prerogative. I hope you read this blog, Dad ...

Tuesday, June 14th

I'm not sure if the days go more quickly AS I'm getting older or BECAUSE I'm getting older, but it is absolutely incredible how quickly a day can pass. I know I'm not the only one but no one can explain why, instead of winding down for summer, this year seems to be gaining momentum. Amazing. In no way do I mean the above to be negative, just the way things are. Life goes on. I woke up, so there must be something for me to do. It's just a matter of trying to figure out what it is and then fit it into the hours of the day. I was going to go visit G&B's new little person yesterday, but ended up having a job interview at one of the plants out here. I think it went well, but that remains to be seen - should hear early next week. I am very much enjoying working at the Stollery , although the wage isn't enough for me to survive on without hubby. Stirstick's (hubby's nickname) advice yesterday was to not sell yourself short but rather ask for wha...


Why is it that some of us procrastinate more than others? Why are some of us better at motivating ourselves than others? After dragging the elliptical machine back inside (we needed more places to hang clothes), my plan of getting up at 5AM and heaving my increasing width onto it didn't happen. Oh, I thought of it when the radio went off at 4:55 - but what's one tap of the snooze button? And then I thought of it at 5:20 - when I would still have enough time for a workout and shower. However when I got up at 5:30 and started the coffee and headed down to check my banking and email and such, it just went by the way side. More on this later...

Sunday, June 12th

Sorry for the rambling of the first couple posts - just excited to get things going - and had too many things going through my mind at once. Today's been an interesting day. Football is a big part of our lives (with coaches and trainers and players and fans living under this roof), so that was this morning's activity for the dadums and the youngest. They enjoy themselves so much and it's nice for them to spend time together. I went to an auction in the city because they had a tv that dadums wanted and thought might go lower. So, with debt slice in hand, off I went. After arriving at 10:15, I sat through numerous amounts of ornaments, dishes, pinatas and ashtrays only to spend $17 (plus 17% - 10% buyers tax and GST) on a bunch of crap I really didn't need (nor want). Oh, but I got sucked into the 'craze' of the buying frenzy - plus I had this little man beside me egging me on and trying to get me to bid on crystal! Anyway, the tv still had a bit of warran...

Some of our upcoming topics...

Okay people. We're going to talk about a variety of things on here, not necessarily in the order listed. Rather, I'll start the yapping and then you guys can carry on, jump in or just sneak through stealthily (sp?) through the night. I'm sure any way you approach it, you're either going to agree or disagree with what I say. Sometimes it will be strongly and other times not so strongly. Here we go... *things our kids are talking about *things on the news *things I want/need to do *tattoos & piercings (and the ONLY place to go!) *people (LOTS of people) - of course we won't be naming names in this part *school (from start to finish - whenever that is!) *marriage *life *death *kids *kids having kids *grandparents having kids (am I the only one noticing this people??) *grandparents (better not frickin' happen to me for ages you three or there will be some snipping involved!) *my kids' friends parents (I am NOT the only bad parent out there [according to...
What a dolt (sp?) I am - I couldn't figure out that the frickin' settings page wasn't the postings page, so I started my blog in there. Oh, I can see this is going to be fun ride! LOL Okay, so I'm FINALLY ready to start the damn blog. I have really got to get a different keyboard - the space bar on this one is completely screwed and it drives me crazy. I wonder how many characters 500 is? Guess I'll figure that one out as I go along. I just heard the cat jump off the counter - frickin' thing! He is such a bad kitty - full of p and v and driving us all crazy. Anyway, how many times have I started something....... That's where I left off in what I thought was the blog posting place thingee, but then I actually read the screen (what's up with that?) and figured things out. Onwards and upwards people! Back to what I was saying in the settings ... er start of this blog. How many times have I started something and never finished? Many. So, where ha...