My friend BD is absolutely crazy (yes, that's why we get along so well), and sent me this little ditty... Some people are like Slinkies: Not really good for anything, but they still bring a smile to your face when you push them down a flight of stairs... BD, you didn't do anything you're going to ask me to help you hide later, are you? *snicker* Well, today has been a good day. It started last night with our Dadums getting his presents. He got a couple of golf items, a new chest for his money and jewelry and such, and an Authentic Ray Lewis Baltimore Ravens jersey . We got it on Ebay for a song. Well, not a song, but for a lot less than it would have been new! Found out my Dad has taken a trip to the Maritimes. He didn't email us or anything, so I didn't find out until I called to wish him H.F.D. and learned he hasn't been home for 20 days. Wow! Not sure why he decided to go it alone, but that's his prerogative. I hope you read this blog, Dad ...
be smart, be safe, don't be afraid to talk, ask questions, figure things out, protect yourself, respect yourself, know you're loved by someone more than you could ever imagine, you are amazing, absolutely incredible, the best, be true to your beliefs, embrace each day, learn something new, love always, always love, love all ways, forever