As is my style, I'm writing every 2 months. I sit down and start many entries, but then life happens and I have to leave it, then never finish them. Perhaps this one will make it to publication.
I was talking with a friend's daughter tonight about family and giving to those in need. The perceptions and opinions of a 17-year-old youth is fascinating. On both topics we ended up agreeing to disagree, but learning her thought process was enlightening. I haven't talked with a lot of teens about poverty and politics and family, so I'm unsure if her perception is similar to her friends. It was certainly eye opening on my part. I'll have to get out there and see what other young people think.
What's on my mind lately? Politics is definitely up there. Between Trudeau and his continual gaffs, and Notley pretending to have Alberta's interests at heart, there is always something to talk about. With Jody Wilson Raybould's testimony to the justice committee regarding the SNC Lavalin affair, one would think we, the people, would finally be able to oust Trudeau from his position. I have a feeling, however, that we'll sit idly by and allow ourselves to continue to be screwed over until the next election, in 2020. I'm certain the UCP will get into power and then it will be their turn to screw things up. As much as I side with the conservatives, it doesn't matter who's in power - they all take the same liberties, put their friends in powerful positions, and work only for themselves. It seems that once you enter politics, you have to take an oath to carry on the past party's mistakes and make more of your own. Extremely frustrating.
Pakistan and India. They are so close full blown war. Indian Air Force pilot Abhinandan Varthaman was captured by Pakistan after his plane crashed there. India immediately demanded his safe return. Surprisingly he was returned on Friday. The Pakistani Prime Minister released Varthaman as an "act of good faith." Of course, the tension has not subsided and the likelihood of further fighting is inevitable. Very scary is the fact that both countries possess nuclear weapons. Should things escalate to a full out war, it will leave the rest of us to decide when, and if, to step in. The U.N. supports India while the Russians support Pakistan. The Russians also support North Korea, giving credence to the fact that Russia is as equally unbalanced as those they associate with. It's getting a little scary out there.
The U.S. and Canada have recently pulled out of Syria after eradicating (um, I think not) ISIS. The allies captured numerous people - fighters, sympathizers and their families - and now wants to send them back to the countries where these people originated. The U.K. has cancelled all passports and revoked the citizenship of the prisoners. The U.S. has said they will be prosecuting them to the full extent of the law. Canada? Trudeau has stated we will take them back but are unable to prosecute them because of a lack of evidence as to their crimes. WTF??? Is he serious? We're going to have terrorists walking among us. People who have seen the absolute worst side of mankind, who can (and likely will) use terrorist tactics to kill and maim our citizens because we don't follow their beliefs! And there is sweet fuck all any of us can do about it. I think they should be left where they are, with their own kind. Many of the women who went there to be with their ISIS husbands say they don't have those beliefs anymore. Give me a break! I'm so sick of this. Canada has no balls. Stand up to those who endanger your country and its citizens instead of bringing them back and making us all target practice. LEAVE THEM THERE! If you are going to bring them back, then let them face the courts .
In doing a bit more research, I've learned that the United States has encouraged countries to repatriate and prosecute their captured ISIS members, while the United Kingdom has taken a different approach, cancelling their citizenship. Canada's stated policy is that the government could do nothing because the detainees were in what Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale called a "dangerous and dysfunctional part of the world" where Ottawa had no diplomatic presence. The government has cancelled the passports of known foreign fighters, meaning they must get new ones from a Canadian diplomatic post. SERIOUSLY? Don't issue them new passports! Let them rot where they are instead of being returned to our country, as our government will kindly pat them on the hand, tell them they've done wrong, and then provide them with all the things many of our own loyal citizens (i.e. veterans, homeless, low-income, etc.) cannot obtain or afford.
Okay, enough of that. Nothing I write will make a difference in anything.
Ariya had her 5th birthday party with all her little friends. It was a lot of fun. Breanna did a great job with everything - the decorations were bright and fun, the games were a hoot, the cake was beautiful. Ariya wanted everyone to dress up - the girls had to wear dresses - so Popa wore his tie. It was a very nice time.

That's about all for now. Until my next rant ...
I was talking with a friend's daughter tonight about family and giving to those in need. The perceptions and opinions of a 17-year-old youth is fascinating. On both topics we ended up agreeing to disagree, but learning her thought process was enlightening. I haven't talked with a lot of teens about poverty and politics and family, so I'm unsure if her perception is similar to her friends. It was certainly eye opening on my part. I'll have to get out there and see what other young people think.
What's on my mind lately? Politics is definitely up there. Between Trudeau and his continual gaffs, and Notley pretending to have Alberta's interests at heart, there is always something to talk about. With Jody Wilson Raybould's testimony to the justice committee regarding the SNC Lavalin affair, one would think we, the people, would finally be able to oust Trudeau from his position. I have a feeling, however, that we'll sit idly by and allow ourselves to continue to be screwed over until the next election, in 2020. I'm certain the UCP will get into power and then it will be their turn to screw things up. As much as I side with the conservatives, it doesn't matter who's in power - they all take the same liberties, put their friends in powerful positions, and work only for themselves. It seems that once you enter politics, you have to take an oath to carry on the past party's mistakes and make more of your own. Extremely frustrating.
Pakistan and India. They are so close full blown war. Indian Air Force pilot Abhinandan Varthaman was captured by Pakistan after his plane crashed there. India immediately demanded his safe return. Surprisingly he was returned on Friday. The Pakistani Prime Minister released Varthaman as an "act of good faith." Of course, the tension has not subsided and the likelihood of further fighting is inevitable. Very scary is the fact that both countries possess nuclear weapons. Should things escalate to a full out war, it will leave the rest of us to decide when, and if, to step in. The U.N. supports India while the Russians support Pakistan. The Russians also support North Korea, giving credence to the fact that Russia is as equally unbalanced as those they associate with. It's getting a little scary out there.
The U.S. and Canada have recently pulled out of Syria after eradicating (um, I think not) ISIS. The allies captured numerous people - fighters, sympathizers and their families - and now wants to send them back to the countries where these people originated. The U.K. has cancelled all passports and revoked the citizenship of the prisoners. The U.S. has said they will be prosecuting them to the full extent of the law. Canada? Trudeau has stated we will take them back but are unable to prosecute them because of a lack of evidence as to their crimes. WTF??? Is he serious? We're going to have terrorists walking among us. People who have seen the absolute worst side of mankind, who can (and likely will) use terrorist tactics to kill and maim our citizens because we don't follow their beliefs! And there is sweet fuck all any of us can do about it. I think they should be left where they are, with their own kind. Many of the women who went there to be with their ISIS husbands say they don't have those beliefs anymore. Give me a break! I'm so sick of this. Canada has no balls. Stand up to those who endanger your country and its citizens instead of bringing them back and making us all target practice. LEAVE THEM THERE! If you are going to bring them back, then let them face the courts .
In doing a bit more research, I've learned that the United States has encouraged countries to repatriate and prosecute their captured ISIS members, while the United Kingdom has taken a different approach, cancelling their citizenship. Canada's stated policy is that the government could do nothing because the detainees were in what Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale called a "dangerous and dysfunctional part of the world" where Ottawa had no diplomatic presence. The government has cancelled the passports of known foreign fighters, meaning they must get new ones from a Canadian diplomatic post. SERIOUSLY? Don't issue them new passports! Let them rot where they are instead of being returned to our country, as our government will kindly pat them on the hand, tell them they've done wrong, and then provide them with all the things many of our own loyal citizens (i.e. veterans, homeless, low-income, etc.) cannot obtain or afford.
Okay, enough of that. Nothing I write will make a difference in anything.
Ariya had her 5th birthday party with all her little friends. It was a lot of fun. Breanna did a great job with everything - the decorations were bright and fun, the games were a hoot, the cake was beautiful. Ariya wanted everyone to dress up - the girls had to wear dresses - so Popa wore his tie. It was a very nice time.

That's about all for now. Until my next rant ...
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