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I want to share some things from one of my groups I'm in.

💜 What a powerful picture Twyla. Thanks for sharing. I hope your ok? Just remember you are a strong ladies xx

Actually, Kassie, I really f'in suck. I've just realized that my mental disorders aren't going to go away. I'm stuck with them. So long as I take my meds then all is fine, but dammit sometimes I want "normal normal" if that makes sense. For as good as my family is dealing with my mental illness, they really have no clue as to what I go through and am going through. They're all worried about suicide, but it's just something I think and talk about sometimes - not something I'm planning. I just feel like crap and this pic really spoke to me. Thanks for checking in. <3 p="">
💜 Oh hunni. It’s very hard for people that have never experienced it themselves to truest understand. Your doing great. I think you will learn to live with it than worry about it never going away it’s apart of you we all understand and we are always here if you need someone that gets it. Chin up sweetie. I’m off to sleep now but will leave you with the other admin and members. You have got this don’t forget that xx.
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<3 p="">There were a few more comments but you get the idea.
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<3 p="">I'm not feeling any better. I think I'm faking it well. At least I think I am. Andy's figuring things out. Bonnie's got it down pat. Dary knows but he trusts that it will be like the past, meaning I'm still talking and functioning.
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<3 p="">Breanna wants me to do keto with her. I'm concerned about losing weight, and then eating normally and getting fat again. I still don't think I'm ready. If I would just drink my protein, it would make such a difference. I've got to look at it like my pills. 
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<3 p="">Just gotta do it.
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<3 p="">Toodles
