The morning started early or the evening ended late ... such is the life with a baby and/or teens in the house. Maybe I do understand the whole having a baby when your kids are teens thing. Actually, a few days ago DBR said dadums and I should have another baby which he thought would be funny because he could spoil it and around the time it was getting rotten, he would be headed to university. (Seems to me there's a Northstars mom out there who's kind of in the same boat.) Oh ya, wouldn't that be a hoot. Umm... not!
Have to talk techie for a minute here. Although I've cleaned up my computer with the ad-scan thinger that Shaw has (speaking of which, our computer has been WAY more f*cked up since we uninstalled our Norton and installed this Shaw thingee - not very impressed Shaw!) Anyway, the freakin' thing is slowing down so very much it's just incredible! I'm watching the words type out after I'm onto the six or seventh word (and it freezes up and if I go to far ahead, then it stops accepting commands). When I run the cleanup tool thing, it says there are like 6 critical objects (ya right!) but there are 1100 processes running! Doesn't that mean something? So, I really need some help with this, if anyone has any advice.
Well, the baby just hurt her mouth on something and howled so I had best sign off. Hope you have a great day.
PS - Added kids and Lucy as well as dadums and Lucy, and momums too. (Crack a smile dadums!)
Thanks Ken! Believe it or not, they have Ad-Aware and that's what I'm running - although it's a custom version for Shaw. I'll have to figure something out as it's getting unbearable!