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Showing posts from January, 2006

Another Week Passed

KVS discovered my 'oldies' in the basement. "Wow Mom! I didn't know you listened to such cool old school!!" She was referring to Styx, Oasis, The Cars The Raspberries, The Mamas and Papas, Neil Sedaka. Hell some of those were oldies when I was little! :-) I was going to throw in a list of songs I like and as I began putting them together, I was amazed at how many songs I like! The list here is very long... maybe you'll find one or two you like as well. Well, something happened and people's names have gone all wonky in my song list. It will be a while before it gets up - too much cleaning to do on it. Time for me to hit the tub. Toodles!

Growing and Learning

So many things have happened since last I wrote: My friend in need is doing better and I think everything is going to be okay. My other friend will most likely get a visit today - to catch up on all the happenings since last we spoke. Work flew by in a flash and flurry of activity, as always. It is incredible how many things have to happen to keep a major building running. Wow! I am allowed to get help, however none is available very often so that is difficult. There are so many little things that need to be handled. Our Brittany is going downhill quickly. Everyone is noticing it now. She gets to very depressed because she's running into things. We try to keep her spirits up with treats and such, but she still just mopes around. Her nose must be pretty sore and she had a major asthma attack this morning - so bad that she wouldn't go outside after that. We all know what is coming, and while that doesn't make it any easier, it does help us all prepare. Pretty soon. In regards...

Keep forgetting post titles!

Good morning! Did you sleep well? Are you ready to tackle the day? Or are you feeling run down and tired and yucky? Taking a couple aspirins and heading back to bed? I have recuperated from my late Sunday night ... well, a little. I should probably have gone to bed earlier last night, but one thing leads to another and it was almost 10 before I shut my eyes. This week is a busy one - tonight is a football meeting, tomorrow is a friend in need, Thursday I may get to bed early and then the weekend will be here! I am quickly running out of time this morning - not sure where it has all gone, but whoosh it has past. I hope you have a great day. Take care and try to remember to smile! Toodles!
Our day has begun... KVS got up for a brief moment and went back to bed. "I won't be getting up before 10:30!" SLAM! Lucy is chasing Raffi all over. BDJ came in and we had a nice chat about the benefits of reading more quickly and working on retention and understanding, and how you should be learning something new every day. DBR came in and isn't feeling that well; cold and flu symptoms. He laid down on the floor and started pitting Lucy against Raffi. Our pets torment each other (we really have to get this on video) and it is one of the most funny things. The boys don't help - they have all these sayings and taunts, and they encourage each of the pets to go after the other. For the most part it is fun and it helps wear off some of the energy that these two (or should that be four? ) have. Thinking about going to the motorcycle show today. I really want to get my license this year and buy a bike. Enough of this procrastinating! :-) It would be great to ride the w...

Emma Scarola

There's an article/email/blog/posting whatever going around about Emma Scarola. I'm not sure if it is legitimate or not, but as it is relatively new and I can't find anything to do with a hoax regarding it, I am assuming it is real. If you are interested, click on either Emma or Scarola to read the full stories. For those of you who hate link clicking, Emma has cancer and her sister has asked for people to send cards to Emma to show her how much people care. Bunny writes, "I want her [Emma] to see what online friends are really all about. I want her to get cards from across the world. I want to fill her room from wall to wall." Are you interested in sending Emma a card? Here is the address: Emma Scarola 2386 Black River Road Bethlehem, PA 18015 What else is new and exciting? My day was very busy - there is always so much to do. I know it's all just a matter of priorities, but when the volume is so high it is incredible! There are always so many things to be...

Tea for two

Good morning, How is your day? I was so very tired last night that I was in bed before 8! I slept soundly until I heard the furnace kick on before 5:00 AM, which means that it is cold outside, and woke up wondering what I would face today from the elements. Got up a few minutes early and let the girls out; it's chilly but not too bad yet. We would be naive to think it isn't going to happen: the frozen blanket settling over us and securing us under a schwack of snow with -40C temperatures. Okay, hopefully it won't get that bad, but I do hear we're going to be down to -20C. Yuck! Lucy sure has caught on to fetching. We finally found some little balls that she can play with and chew on, but not destroy, and that she can actually pick up in her mouth. It is hard to find things for the petite pooch. The manufacturers seem to think they have no teeth and so make cutesy wootsie things that she eats in under 5 minutes (she really is a Rottie in disguise). She is so much fun - ...

Make a move?

That's what I'm supposed to do. Shit or get off the pot. Quit procrastinating . Make a choice. Step up to a decision (or maybe even two). Sometimes much easier said than done, however other times done before it's said. Too tired for anymore tonight. Toodles!

Good Morning!

Good morning! How is your day? Mine has started off well although I find I'm a wee bit tired and getting stopped up in the nasal department. Both of the ladies I work with are sick so it stands to reason ... Is it going to be a good day or a bad day? Make a choice. Yes, choice . If you have had a few shitty days, well, shit happens. However if you find yourself continually having bad days ... then you should try to figure out what is up. Is it your circumstance, mood, choice, what? There is always one common denominator - you! More later ...

Kev Stuff

Insight And Humour Fuel Burns' Latest By: Mark Weber - Red Deer Express Local writer/speaker Kevin Burns says there isn’t much startlingly unique about what he does. Yeah, right. The acclaimed writer and in-demand motivational speaker’s latest book firmly sets aside such notions. If It Takes a Village to Raise a Child, How Then, Do You Explain the Village Idiot…and Other Things I’ve Said is packed with Burns’ insightful, witty notions on everything from relationships to vision to customer service. And one of his clear favourites, accountability. “We’re so crammed for time with responsibilities and jobs, we don’t take those quiet moments, and it’s in those quiet moments the thoughts and ideas just fall out,” he says during a recent chat. “I just make my living from ideas, and in the process of writing, a lot of these things come out. “Sometimes, it happens right on stage.” There’s not a trace of self-doubt as he chats about topics we all can relate to, a...

About Changing Perspective

New Years is always the time of resolutions. I didn't have any real resolutions this year as I've sort of been attempting to set expectations throughout the year. Resolutions are mostly things that we need to do regardless of the time of year, and we're just procrastinating (for whatever reasons) over getting started. I've found some info on this that's interesting, but as I was reading it the thought occurred to me that I was further procrastinating about doing some things by reading about and searching out links to do with procrastination. Too funny! Here's an interesting aside for all who experienced the 60's and 70's - Interview with inventor of LSD, Albert Hoffman, now 100. If you don't click the link today, then you will have to search out the article in their search bar. Alright, I'm going to put this post on hold so that I can go get dressed, do some wash, wake up the kidlets, get the one who stayed at Dadum's last night back home...

News and Views

Do you read the paper or do you listen to or watch the news or do you skip everything and live without any desire to know of things happening outside your immediate circle? I typically begin my day with the online Sun (still haven't approached that damn elliptical-as you've heard time and again ) and a cup of tea or coffee. Here are a few highlights from this morning: In my search for links and information, I've run across an article that talks about Military Fitness . Interesting concept but not for me. Do you ever read Sally Sez ? Sally is one of my favourite people! She says the things I want to (or sometimes do) say and she has the most awesome attitude! In case you aren't a "link clicker" (not sure such a term actually exists) here is a bit of what Sally wrote this week... DINGLE DANGLE A British TV presenter says she wants a boob job. Davina McCall, who hosts the U.K. version of Big Brother reckons having two kids has taken its toll on her breasts. ...

They Just Don't Get It!

It's been 3 whole days without a post - I feel so full! Time to empty my thoughts and allow the rants to flow... Have you ever noticed how some people just don't get it? You try to give subtle hints about something that your friend/lover/mother/sibling/whomever really needs to figure out, but the person can't see past the nose on his own face? It is so difficult when that person snaps at you and doesn't even realize it so can't apologize. Or brushes you off with a p.o.'d expression or roll of the eyes. You just get to the point where you don't want anything to do with him/her and you pull completely away, allowing him/her to wallow in his misery while seeking company with those more like-minded. What you really want to say is, "Smarten up and get your act together! It's going to affect more than just you in the near future!" Will he/she get it? Probably not. Onto other things - do you do any online shopping or do you just snoop out the good p...

Onti Daubi!

I think I'm starting to look more like my Auntie D every day. I wonder how she's doing? Hellooo Onti Daubi!! (I'll bet she could hear me saying that if she read it.) While I would love to hear all the things that have been happening in her life, I don't anticipate her contacting me any time soon. When we women of me mum's clan get pissed we can stay pissed for an indeterminate amount of time. I ruffled some feathers back in '99 and will remain her only niece forever disowned. KVS thinks it's funny that I'm disowned. She would love to go to Saskabusch and visit the relashuns! Oh, now she's on the phone with someone - it's a girl ... someone talking about Ryan and why are you there? until what time? how are you getting home? so if i get a ride there, then can I get a ride back? Mom, can you drive me to the DCC, Maikki is having ex-boyfriend problems, No I won't drive you there, Mu-ummm! it's tragic - stay put, it's okay - hey daddy, ho...

Seeking New Friends

Aren't personal ads the most interesting thing? Everyone is perfect seeking perfection, no one has any hangups or quirks or kinks, they are all loving and caring and giving, they have lots to offer and love all life has to offer ... if you're all that then why aren't you with who you were with or why aren't you at least taken? Because you're broken! (I learned that from a girl I worked with for a while ... man I miss her sense of humour.) Seriously, the whole personals ads thing is just weird. You're trying to describe what you believe yourself to be, when in fact we should probably have our ex's write our ads for us. Wouldn't that be scary! All of our skeletons and secrets revealed - scratches while channel surfing from the couch ... LOL. People are trying to meet other people by putting out their information in the hopes that that combined with a picture or two will get them the results they're looking for. I don't think most of people have an...

Back to the Grind

Tomorrow is coming so quickly! There are a bunch of things I was supposed to get done, but didn't. That's always the way isn't it? Did you get everything done you wanted to this weekend? If not, I'm sure it will be waiting for you still tomorrow. I've got to take Britt to the beauty parlor today, if I can find one that's open. Littlest fat dog will probably want to come and I would like to get her nails trimmed - I always screw up when I do them. I've got to get some of those little stick things for when I take a wee bit too much off. She is going to have a bath at home rather than the salon - it's not like she's got a lot of hair or anything. Dadums called and is going to take Britt somewhere in town here later this week, so that will be nice. She looks so cute with her face, paws and bum tidied up. She'll also get freshened up nails (she's so darn good when we do hers) and brushed teeth and just an overall pampering. I'm sure she'll...

Resolution Delusions

I was snooping around another Twyla's site and found the following: Resolution Delusion Today I resolve to open wide my heart my soul my eyes To give myself the power to Take my own side Today I resolve to not let My heart be broken apart And I will take within me The power to forget Today I resolve to help myself To learn from my mistakes I will not be looked over Or put on the top shelf Today I resolve to let go of All the wrongs done And I'll be the bigger person When push comes to shove Today I resolve to push aside All the resolutions past I will listen to my heart I will be my own guide Last year and years before I resolved to change for you Quit smoking, lose weight stop swearing, get a new hair do I just couldn't see past your own eyes Turned upside down Became all your lies But Year after year I slowly understood That changing for you Did me no good So now I live for me For this year will be mine You are in the past Now it's my turn to shine. Interesting littl...

2006 Begins

If you're reading this it means you made it through another year! It means that something you've been doing is right. It means you have something to do today - it's just a matter of figuring out what that is. So, what are you going to do? What do I want to do this year? A couple of posts ago I listed the top 10 things that people want to do. Let's see where I fit in with those ... 1) Spend More Time with Family & Friends There are a lot of friends I didn't get to see this year. Is that something I can rectify in '06? Well, things are very busy with my own family and happenings and my friends are busy with their families and happenings, so I don't think it is anything done intentionally. Pretty soon the year has flown by and we haven't seen each other except to read the jokes we email around and maybe a we bit of each other's blogs. I think when all of our kids are grown, then we'll have more time to visit and see each other. As for the family...