I think I'm starting to look more like my Auntie D every day. I wonder how she's doing? Hellooo Onti Daubi!! (I'll bet she could hear me saying that if she read it.)
While I would love to hear all the things that have been happening in her life, I don't anticipate her contacting me any time soon. When we women of me mum's clan get pissed we can stay pissed for an indeterminate amount of time. I ruffled some feathers back in '99 and will remain her only niece forever disowned.
KVS thinks it's funny that I'm disowned. She would love to go to Saskabusch and visit the relashuns! Oh, now she's on the phone with someone - it's a girl ... someone talking about Ryan and why are you there? until what time? how are you getting home? so if i get a ride there, then can I get a ride back? Mom, can you drive me to the DCC, Maikki is having ex-boyfriend problems, No I won't drive you there, Mu-ummm! it's tragic - stay put, it's okay - hey daddy, how are you? LOL Mom, could you seriously please drive me it's not gonna kill you i'll get a ride home (i guess that means daddeeee said no) OH! He's watching hockey!
I really do have some work to get done so we've got to cut this blog short. Much sadness on the news this morning and afternoon, and much happiness for Team Canada on their win tonight!
Toodles for now!
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