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Showing posts from 2008

Hindsight Foresight

Living can kill you. Hindsight shows again what I should have been watching for. The ups and downs, too much or too little, feeling feelings or feeling nothing and being f'd up. I failed again. No matter that I have done everything "right" for so long ... it shrinks and almost disappears and then it blows up to so fast and violently, it takes my breath. Stop breathing. Sometimes things would be a lot better if all breathing stopped for 10 minutes. "Haha, but then I'd be dead!?" It gets larger and larger and larger, growing to immense proportions, stretching tighter and tighter, having more and more trouble thinking and reasoning and trying to formulate a plan and keep it all together and do this and do that ... stretching, growing, thinning, MAKE IT STOP ... POP! blackness i described naked, alone, lying on a cold - it feels like a rock - uneven and sharp i feel nothing, can see nothing, hear nothing, no one nothing don't move don't blink just go...


Early morning darkness, coldest point, no light whatsoever, can't see more than one step ahead. Far, far away there is a slim, silver line. If you strain you can see it. There are waves, pulling, tossing, dragging under ... toward and away from the line. The silver line lengthens slowly, with it comes unveiling of the mess that was made and the damage remaining. Lengthening and broadening more steadily. One step closer ... Toodles


Hot and cold certainly describes a bp person. A new and complete mystery and adventure, sometimes every day. Everything is a sometimes and sometimes it is everything. Cycling: great for fitness; not so great for brains and lives. Sickness, illness. So hard to talk to anyone. Embarrassing. Mortifying. Up. Life at the other end of the spectrum. Can and will do anything, nothing beyond my reach. Tiresome though too, but no time for rest. Doing things that wouldn't be done at another time. Intense energy. Intense a lot of things actually. And fast. Intense and fast; snappy, quick to anger and happiness. Change change change; new old buy sell! Plans for everything and everything will succeed. Invincible, unyielding, unsurpassable, inviolable. Down. Heartrending, grievous, disconsolate, horrible, forlorn, black, stumbling, defeated, crumbling, distressed, confused, sick, sad, dolorous, cynical, troublesome, angry, inconsolable, dying, tragic, invisible, dead. How long between? Days, hour...


Life here is never dull. Some drama exists if not within our family, then in our extended family or friends or school mates or co-workers. It's never ending. A lot of these could be featured on Jerry Springer or Maury, although Maury is more the baby's momma's daddy's ho's ... she's testing men #1438 #1439 and #1440 to see who's the father of her baby. Often these people are lower income. It's like they have nothing better to do than gossip and yip and yap about whatever is happening or whoever's doing whatever. Or is it all fake, like wrestling, with actors or street people getting paid? From Cheryl S: "So a traitorous opportunist, a socialist, and a spineless moron walk into a bar..." Is it a Joke? Yes, but in Canada it's called a coalition. Did you know piercings and tattoos hurt? It always amazes me when someone says, "that hurt sooo bad!", when it's piercing #258. LOL So our federal government is setting up for a coa...


I was trying to figure out a title for my tantrum tonight when I typed 'b' the auto complete brought up the current title. We have stayed true to working out and average 4 times per week. I'm down 20 since Thanksgiving but that is deceiving too. More importantly, I'm down a whole size in everything. I've also been listening to a couple of tracks by Paul McKenna. I like the relaxation/hypnosis portion best. I've noticed a change in my attitude and eating habits, as well as my desire to exercise. We'll see if it keeps up. I'm really good at being fat, but haven't had much success with being thin. I am tired today - of almost everything. Dary and the kids are incredible; it's outside of our house. I think I'm grumpy too. And I'd like to get some cash for this worn out, saggy body. I guess the title is accurate. Toodles

Vacation News

We are back from our trip to Puerto Moreles, Quintana Roo, Mexico. We stayed at the H10 Ocean Turquesa, a quite nice resort with four pools, a very long and beautiful beach, an incredible buffet, 3 a la carte restaurants, a coffee shop, a sports bar, activites throughout the day and evening, pool snack and swim up bars, amazing shots of all colours (mexican flag was my favourite - monkey brains is disgusting), drinks galore, dark tans and tattoos everywhere, piercings up the wazoo (getting back to our Mayan roots I guess) ...

A special day

Yesterday my mom would have turned 59. Wow! Spent some time with a friend today; had breakfast and then went shopping with Miss Bear. It was a good morning that stretched into the afternoon. Thanks to Drey for cleaning all the eaves; it's very much appreciated. Laurie and I have gone to the gym three times this week. The first day we were pretty pooped quickly. On Wednesday we did better. Yesterday we pushed and pushed and did a bunch of extra things and we're still able to walk today. It's amazing how quickly your body gets used to the exercise and how good you feel doing it and afterwards. I'm finishing this the morning of the 15th. I would have had a good sleep had I not had teenagers fighting!! You can all move out to the garage! Toodles

September 1st

Happy Birthday Kanan! Another year is quickly passing. It will seem like a blink and I'll be yapping about Christmas, which I believe is at Rob and Kris' this year. Blink and all the kids will be grown and out of the house. Blink and we'll have sons and daughters in law, then grandbabies, then then then The days need to slow so I can catch up. :-) Toodles

Slow Sunday

Drey and I were just talking - it's so nice to have time together without anyone else around. I really like our kids. I think they're pretty amazing - of course I'm prejudice. I just love talking with them and learning about their lives outside of home. It's good to be a mom. Temper temper. Everyone is shocked at the Cuban kicking the referee in the face. WTF?? Regardless of the calls a referee makes IN ANY SPORT, you don't retaliate! And then for his coach to stand behind his decision - appalling. I'm glad this duo will be banned from the World Taekwondo Federation. On a side note, this federation has the same initials, WTF. LOL I've been putting together all of our pictures from the past 20 years. Incredible the changes we go through. I should have some pics ready here in a bit. Toodles!

Current Events Liptrum

In the news today: Three more deaths in Afghanistan. Our soldiers are amazing. They are the most brave of the brave and sometimes the least supported. I hope we FULLY take care of the families left behind. My heart breaks for you. Sometimes I think the media releases too much information. A young man was shot in Mississauga last night was identified as the youngest of 19 victims and had been shot several times - and the Toronto Sun reporter prints the previous record!! So now the perp has not only been recognized but his homeys know how many more shots they need to have for the next one! Freaking ridiculous. The Canadian Press has an article out on the existence of the theoretical Higgs boson . I really cannot grasp this. It sounds like it has not been observed and has something to do with particle masses of electromagforcecantfigureout ... Wow! Man dies after being struck in the head with a toilet lid. Gives a whole new meaning to the term shit kicked out of you. (Yes this is in very ...

Pondering Liptrum

Why are there criteria for athlete's apparel, but not for beach volleyball? A 1 1/2" strip of elastic would cover more than their tops or bottoms. Why are things like boating and archery in the Olympics? Isn't the point of the games for the best athletes to compete? What's next? Donut nose balancing? Reserve shootings. I understand the aboriginal culture is one of forgiveness, which is why they say they continue to house and accept all sorts of criminals, in this case gang members. Time for tough love. We hear a lot of how aboriginals have so many struggles. Given this and other cases, one wonders how much of this is self inflicted. Kids and guns don't mix. Kids and machinery don't mix. Kids and motorized vehicles don't mix. So no more gopher hunting, tractor operating or quadding. At least not until 14-16 years old. Tim McLean's killer now has a lawyer. Isn't that interesting. He asked for death; grant his wish. There is going to be a whole shitlo...

Happy Birthday to Me!

I've made it to 40. Wow! I'm surprised. Being sick for a good portion of these years hasn't always lent itself to self preservation. After good doctors, the main reason I'm still intact is my Dary. He is an incredible man and I'm so fortunate to have him as my friend. I cover my feelings with smart ass remarks and laughter, but I was scared about today; it's one step closer to that day. Mom made it 15,129 days; can I make 15,130? January 18, 2010 is that day. I'm like my mom in some ways and different in others, I know. It's highly unlikely I'm going to go like her or in the time frame she went or ... this is silly but it's something in my mind. I made it past my natural dad's death day. One more to go, unless it happens sooner than that. Great Grandma Pierce used to ask how old you think and feel? I think and feel about 28 to 30. I behave like I'm about 5. I have the memory span of a newt (the hamster in my brain wheel is on sabbatica...

Two more days ...

... and I celebrate my 40th birthday. 40! I remember a lot of different people turning 40. Many of them were OLD though. Am I old too Yup, over the hill, on my way out, becoming a daisy grower, retirement looming like a dark cloud, 90 just a tiny skip away. I bet I make it to midnight. lol Toodles!

Rainbow Poop

We're on day 13 or 15 or something of this detox. Haven't noticed any of those freaky long things we saw on one website , but then again we're not digging through our poop so there's a chance we're missing it too. The colours that are coming out - wow!! Today was green - the colour dirt looks when they spray it with that stick on grass seed. More on the teal side of green - very bright. A few days ago it was blue like the ocean. Like you wanted to know that. I'm in a really bad mood tonight. I feel snarky and snide and just plain mean. Not sure why. It started this afternoon at work and progressed at home. Hmm, interesting. I should really be hiding in my room with my book; maybe sleeping or something. Even poor little Lucy got yelled at! All because she had to pee and it was raining outside so she wouldn't go. Suck it up momums and quit grumping! Tim McLean's murder is horrendous. My sincere sympathy to Tim's family and friends. There are some ...

Cleaning Day 2

Dary and I have decided to each do a detoxification - to clean out everything. Today's day 2 and so far I've had no diarrhea or headache or anything else. The output hasn't been anything out of the ordinary, but I understand it takes a few days for everything to loosen up, so to speak. This gives a whole new meaning to 'feeling fresh'. Liptrums: Gene Simmons took a break from a press conference to recognize our military. Wow! We have Canadians who don't even do that! The States far exceeds us in how they honour and keep their military front and centre. 18 kids may not be enough?! Livia Ionce and her husband Alexandru just welcomed their 18th child on Tuesday. This article is from May and speaks a bit more about the family. I find it remarkable that two seemingly intelligent adults have not figured out that sperm and egg make a child. Pretty simple, I think. Instead, they choose to leave it to their beliefs. WTF? Responsibility needs to be taken for all ac...


When I started this post, I was feeling badly because I saw similarities between someone quite sick and myself. I wondered if I was still that sick or if I was doing better. It's so hard to tell. I read an excellent one-word description of mental illness: crippling . Everything is crippled or at least compromised when one is mentally ill. Self, family, friends, possessions, jobs, trust; the list is endless. The fear of relapsing is tremendous, sometimes overwhelming. Backward is not a good direction. What if something kicks out? What if something just snaps and * poof * I'm diving back into the completely dead darkness of my mind; pulling away from everyone and everything; wanting to be anywhere but here. The pain and suffering this causes my family is horrendous. Things have happened so often though, that it's the "norm" now. No one reacts or gets too worked up. Shit happens and it will go one way or another. How much worse can it be than it has been? Each tim...

Saturday Morning Liptrum

I am so very tired of being woke up during the night. I am seriously considering moving my teens out to the garage and the shed after 6PM. OMG - Enough! So Eddie's office got "bombarded" with calls yesterday. They got approximately 1500. Having been on reception before I know how much work that causes. But ce la vie. I think the numbers show that those of us who are pissed off either didn't want to or didn't have time to call Stelmach's office. Realistically, pissing off the taxpayers is nothing new. We elect them, they do whatever the hell they want, and we re-elect them or one of their counterparts anyway. Dictator attitudes coming through a democratic system. It's always been the same, people. Why do we keep expecting it to change? Racists comments lead to soccer brawl with a parent injured. WTF? First of all, why do we continue to have racism when we've been living with such diversity for so long; we all breath and eat and sleep and have blood and ...

Just Normal

Setting the counter to capture one time visits has proved that very few of the original 5K visitors were actual people. It was obviously mostly me when I was posting or making changes. To whom, then, am I "speaking" when I write my posts? The air. I can be so narcissistic. What would you say if you knew you wouldn't wake up in the morning? One sentence. ...

FSHS Graduation

Last night was the Fort Saskatchewan High School graduation. Drey was Kennda's escort, Kiershyn was Jill's escort, and Braunt was an usher. They attended two different post-grad celebrations, and a good time was had by all . Congratulations! be smart, be safe, don't be afraid to talk, ask questions, figure things out, protect yourself, respect yourself, know you're loved by someone more than you could ever imagine, you are amazing - absolutely incredible, the best, be true to your beliefs, embrace each day, learn something new each day, love always, always love, love all ways, forever Toodles!

New Layout

I've been trying out different layouts for a while and have happened upon (ever thought what that really means??) one that I like. I like the greens and the three columns and the little flowers below the header (my mom-in-law can draw wicked little flowers - ya, I know, where the heck did that come from?). I added a new counter, but couldn't remember what number I was at, so started again at 5000. I'm tracking unique visitors too, so that's better. Wii is supposed to get you up and off the couch, and involved in many movements as you compete against family and friends in sports like bowling, golf, fishing and many more including fitness tracking. We're great at changing things to suit our needs. Introducing ... Wii Couch! (Sure to be a hit with Homer and his peeps.) Yes, Darrin has mastered Couch Wii - an viable alternative to physically participating (heaven forbid) in any games. For just $29.99 plus s/h, you too can learn Darrin's secrets. He has mastered ...

Long Winded Liptrum

I'm feeling the need to get a good rant going. Just let loose about everything and everyone that is currently pissing me off. You know how something will happen between two people, and one person blows it WAY out of proportion? Well, get over it already! You have absolutely no idea that I'm talking to you, but I am and you really need to get off your high horse and quit playing the poor princess. Author clarification: this has absolutely nothing to do with anyone related to me. :-) Move on with your life, Bessy. The tragic murder/suicide of the Lall family and Miss Bowerman in Calgary last week is beyond any words I can think of. My sincere condolences to the family and friends. Mental illness is still pushed into the shadows and those afflicted are treated like they "aren't all there"; like they're afflicted with an unspeakable disease that is highly contagious; like they're crazy - whatever that means. Many suffer in silence, however some get to the po...

Eskimos Football Pictures

Mr. Movold took some great pictures of Braunt, Ryan and Tim at the Edmonton Eskimos camp game. Braunt is 44 yellow, Ryan is 23 green and Tim is 25 green. The easiest way to pick them out is by their gold Sting helmets. Enjoy!

Football Gas

I am so consistent! Started this message, got pulled away from the computer, and never got back to it. Oops! Braunt just got up for football this morning - 10 minutes late. He wondered why I didn't wake him up, but I didn't remember. Mostly, he's got an alarm or two. May long weekend already! This year is going even quicker than last. I'm glad to see gas hasn't gone up yet - $1.20 for regular is crazy!

Horth Whithperer

Bob calls his buddy Steve, the horse rancher, and says he's sending a friend over to look at a horse. Steve asks 'How will I recognize him?' 'That's easy, he's a midget with a speech impediment.' So, the midget shows up, and Steve asks him if he's looking for a male or female horse. 'A female horth.' So he shows him a prized filly. 'Nith lookin horth. Can I thee her eyeth?' Steve picks up the midget and he gives the horse's eyes the once over. 'Nith eyeth, can I thee her earzth'? So he picks the little fella up again, and shows him the horse's ears. 'Nith earzth, can I see her mouf'?' The rancher is gettin' pretty ticked off by this point, but he picks him up again and shows him the horse's mouth. 'Nice mouf, can I see her twat?' Totally mad at this point, the rancher grabs him under his arms and rams the midget's face into the horse's twat, and slams him on the ground. The midget gets u...

20 ... 19 ... 18 ... ... ... 5K already?

I never thought I'd see the day something I created visited 5000 times. Wow! Okay, now let's break this down for a minute: 5000 visits could equal 5000 minutes. 5000 minutes divided by 254 blog posts equals 19.685 minutes per blog. Which means ... where the hell am I going with this? In reality, my blog counter updates any time you refresh your browser. I make a lot of changes and THAT is what causes my counter to increase. *snap back to reality* WWMD? What's that, you ask? What would momums do? We could also go with WWGD? What would Granny do? If her family member hadn't talked to her for years, she would just show up on the doorstep and fix things then and there. *ytil aero tk cabpans* Life is just a bunch of gerbil wheels. Hop on this one, run and keep up or fall off. Sometimes being punted off is more difficult. When you should be on a 6" wheel MAX, but you thought you could handle the 12" - that just has pain written all over it. You skipped from the 2...

Sunday Liptrums

Reading the Sunday morning newspaper can bring out a plethora of thoughts and emotions. Sounds like Inkfest is going well. We like tattoos in our family. I do encourage our kids not to get anything done on a part of your body that is easily shown. I guess that part of me is old school - tats aren't part of the boardroom yet. I think that sleeves are gorgeous, but just not for me. I realize I don't really have any say in this, but encourage them all to wait a couple years until they start colouring everything. A fire near Commonwealth Stadium sent a woman to hospital. She isn't cooperating with police. The message that sends to me is she's involved in some form of illegal activity. Perhaps I'm wrong, but what other reason would keep you from assisting authorities. Further, let's assume these people are involved in less than desirable things. Why the hell do neighbours allow their names to be published in the paper??? Is there not a possibility of repercussions? ...

Talk to your kids!

If there is one piece of parenting advice I can share it is to talk with your kids. Ya ya, you're saying, you already talk to your kids. But do you really? Kids will say and do the darndest things, won't they. Do you really know what your kid is like when outside the house, or do you just think you know what's in their heads? What's on the go with their friends. What's making them most and least happy? I'm not trying to imply that I know my kids in and out. There are things I don't know and likely things I don't want to know. I think we've kept open lines of communication with our kids since they've been born. We've heard more than one difficult question. That means hearing some things you may not want to listen to. If you close off one conversation without listening respectfully or by giving a brush off answer, you may not get asked again. Maybe the next question was a really important one - one that you would give anything to go back and ha...

19 Degrees

I didn't realize how much I use the word WELL; way too much! So, we'll try to get away from that - now so is the bad word. Oh hell, close the window if you don't want to read my wordiness. LOL Saturday morning and many things to do. The house is a disaster, I've got to get the system for the house ordered, groceries, more cleaning, banking, pub night tonight. There's always something. I'm just finishing my pot of coffee. Darrin drinks a lot of coffee. I can take it or leave it, but will have some most mornings. I prefer decaf but am not allowed to make it if I have to share with Stirstik - he likes the full strength, STRONG brew that holds up a big spoon. It's supposed to be really warm today; 19C. Anything over 10 will be a treat. Time to get out the lawn chairs, clean off the barbeque and sweep the patio. Woohoo! I'm not tucking the snow shovel completely away, but I'm sure hoping it won't see anymore use. Have to pick up groceries today, for w...


I feel like shit; my ass is dragging more than we used to on main street. theatrical pause Okay. That was lame. I'll stick to my day job. Seriously, I'm extra tired. Not always a good sign, but that remains to be seen. I used my FB stats to ponder if our house will get egged this weekend. We came out this afternoon to find Braunt's car had been kicked in in the back end. Now, again, I am not saying this is anyone specific. We get a lot of kids hanging around because of the schools, so it could be anyone. Going to try to post a video, but not sure if it will work. I find this song thought provoking. Well, that didn't work. Let's try this again. object width = " 425" height=" 355"> Well, I'm not sure that will show us a video. Man! Well, I can get it on my FB if this doesn't work so head over there. Enough for tonight. It's time for bed ... or laying on the couch on stake-out. :-) Toodles!


In re-reading my Saturday morning post, I see where my words may have been misunderstood by someone who doesn't understand for whom the post was written. To clarify: We awoke to a difficult situation early Saturday morning. It did not and does not involve the egging of our house, nor anyone outside of our house or family. It involved our youngest son and his incredibly bad choice that caused us to be roused from our bed. My rant of two posts ago was pointed directly at my youngest son, who made an incredibly stupid choice. My words were written to him, to further add to the lengthy discussion we had into the wee hours of Saturday morning. It was to reiterate everything Darrin and I had talked and ranted and raved and cried about to him. It was my plea to publicly tell him to smarten up and not take anything for granted. When I wrote that I would not tolerate anymore bad choices, I meant that this was his third bad choice in as many weeks and that Darrin and I are at the end of ...

RIP Buzzwinkle

Anchorage is mourning the loss of Buzzwinkle , who was euthanized after being found emaciated. Buzzwinkle received his name after imbibing some fermented crab apples. I read this morning about a 17-year-old Canadian teen being sentenced to one year in prison and 200 lashes. I don't condone this as a blanket punishment for everyone, however I believe the number of repeat offenders would be cut down considerable if this was a known consequence for illegal behaviour. I watched Lockdown last night. Some inmates were talking about their lives growing up and how things changed when they got older. They all said they, "should have called the police," but didn't for a variety of reasons. People who choose to get into bad situations and CHOOSE not to get themselves out or smack the dumb ass "friend" who is doing the illegal activity face the same consequences, if not more. Many of them are "scapegoats", whether truly or only in their imagination, but i...

Momums' Saturday Morning Tantrum

Okay, I've got a more than a few things to rant about today. WTF!?!?!?!?!? First and foremost: I challenge the youngsters in the little SUV, who ONCE AGAIN egged our house, to have the kajonees (that's BALLS to those of you who can only spell in single letters and words without vowels) to come to my house . Bring your folks along! I'm sure we'll all get along splendidly . What's that? You can't make it? Maybe you don't want your parents to know? Well, let me come to you . No, no, it's no problem at all; I can easily accommodate you and your schedule. I welcome having an intelligent discussion and debate about the danger you put our family into when you hit our large 45-year-old picture window which, I'm sure your parents will agree , can be fatal if the brittle thing broke, hurting or killing the person sitting on the couch below the window. I'd love to hear from you! Give me a shout soon so we can get together. Love, hugs and kisses!! :-) On...

Computers and Weight

Well, my f*#$% laptop is driving me crazy!!!! I woke up Wednesday morning to find that it wasn't connected to the internet anymore. I tried to repair it and couldn't even find it. I reset the router, I restarted everything, I unplugged everything ... bloody hell!! I've finally decided to do a system restore to get it back to when it was working. If that doesn't work I'm throwing the damn thing in the garbage! Have you seen the show on TLC called I can make you thin? I've only seen commercials thus far, but after going to both the TLC website and Paul McKenna's website, I recognize similarities between this and the weigh down diet . The tapping technique is definitely interesting. I see it as a way to prolong the tingling hungry feeling, something to pass time - similar to praying in the WDD . A tool to pass time to see if that little sniggle is true hunger or if it is just a fat cell needing to die. :-) I followed WDD and lost a substantial amount of weight...

Wish List

Kiershyn has posted my birthday party as an event on Facebook! Saturday, August 16, 2008 5:00 PM - 3:00 AM Woohoo!! I've been looking forward to this forever! Black balloons, black cake, over the hill decorations, fun fun fun! My wish list for my 40th is: world peace being debt free motorcycle Seriously, celebrating with family and friends is the best gift I can receive. :-) Looking forward to seeing you there!

Nineteen Years

The 25th is our nineteenth wedding anniversary. Wow! How the hell did that happen? August will bring 22 years as best friends. !?!?! Tonight was our night out, to reminisce. Instead, Darrin falls asleep on the couch and decides tomorrow will be better. After we get home from supper at the farm. Hmm... This kinda has "not gonna happen" written all over it. :-) Toodles!


Lucy and Joni's adventures have taken a little siesta, right off the start! In starting up the fan club, I neglected to remember that Dary has the camera and we can't show any footage of them. This idea initially started when Lucy was standing atop our snow pile in the back, looking like she was the queen on the castle. Joni was very tentative off the start, and still doesn't vault up like Lucy, but she gets there. I'm sure Lucy thinks she's a HUGE dog, the way she stands at the peak, lifts her head, and barks like crazy. She's letting all the neighborhood dogs know who's the boss! It's been 19 days since Dary's accident. He's still feeling some aches and pains, but he's definitely intact. Have we lingered on that day ever since? Of course not. But if he had died, my mind would agonize and analyze every second of that day. Breaking it down, seeing what could have been different, what I should have said, what he did say, the smiles, hugs and k...

Safe Hubby and Life Happens

Life happens... A couple has intercourse and creates a new being. Tongue in cheek, if the soil, water and fertilizer are good, the result should be a healthy baby at 40 weeks. A mother goes into the nursery to change and feed her 4 month old daughter. Instead she finds her beautiful baby cold, lifeless body; another victim of SIDS. A horrific highway accident results in the occupants all walking away. A man bends over to tie his shoes and an aneurysm bursts in his head. He survives surgery and recovers. He is struck by a bus upon his release from the hospital. My point is that everything in life just happens. Not because of fate, divinity, or anything more than the earth revolving. Yesterday, Darrin was in a car accident. Everyone thought he was either dead or seriously injured. They started heaving on the door, attempting to open it when Darrin said, "Guys, guys, it's okay. Just give me a minute and then I'll climb out." Climbing out was easier said than done, but h...

Pizza Night

It's been deemed pizza night in our house, which means I can either make the pizza or buy the pizza or buy and then make the pizza. I've opted for the former latter, ergo ... The house is already full with 4 teens. There are 4 more coming because once again there is NO SCHOOL ! Unbelievable. Tonight I am going to soak with my book and then hopefully snooze through the night. If the noise gets to be too much, I am pretty sure me coming down the stairs in my night shirt will cause more than a few nightmares. Toodles!

Li.... pppp .... brrrrrrr ... tr .....u ......................m

OMG! I'm wearing layers of clothing, typing with just my finger tips exposed, and still I'm cold. And that's IN the house. LOL It is -39 this morning. Thankfully there is no wind. Drey and I just returned from a little jaunt to 7-11, because I decided not to drive out to his work. We could see one house length in front of us. Scary. Time to get to work; Braunt's driving me so the car can stay in the garage today. Toodles!

Weather Liptrum

What a glorious day - My flex day. The little extra time spent at the office pays off with this one beautiful day off during the week. I was going to do some shopping, maybe have lunch with a friend. Hit up some thrift stores, whatever! Then I woke up. Our thermometer beside the house is registering -30. The one by the garage appears to be about -33. Then there's the wind chill factor - one site is showing -46 and the other -47! That isn't very conducive to going anywhere, let alone hopping in and out of the car. Bloody hell! Speaking of bloody hell, and I only mean that this reminds me of the British, if a young lady and her family would like to speak with me about an incident Braunt was supposedly involved in, I welcome the phone call. There is no need for games of making accusations and threats, rather we should sitting down to discuss things rationally. Alternately you could find out who really perpetrated the egging of your house, and deal with them and their familie...

Timdip Liptrum

Let's begin '08 with a new keyword for this blog: Liptrum. A liptrum is a tantrum by Tulip. Like it? Tough! It's my word. Time to coin two new words. I am confident they will catch on and lead to my 15 minutes of fame (or at least a spot on the next Biggest Loser show - actually, I'd like that Extreme Makeover one better). My new word is, with spelling variations: Tim dip Timdip Tim-dip tim dip timdip tim-dip (n) The indent on a Timmie's lid that holds the flipped back lid as well as holding beverage overage. As per usual, I am posting this a few days later than originally written. So, go grab a Timmie's and take note if you are a sipper or non-sipper of the timdip. Toodles!

A New Day

Wishing that your very best of 2007 is your worst of 2008. Last night I played with the little dogs, had fun kicking Dary's butt at Wii, conquered some more guitar hero 3 and hit the sack just after midnight. A call from Kier around 2:30 had me running over to help settle a little guy she was babysitting. My alarm went off at 5:30 so I headed back home to climb into bed until 11 this morning. I awoke to Braunt's lip having 5 stitches from a run in with a friend's fist. I hope the rest of 2008 isn't like the first 12 hours! A year in review on here: January: Started this month the same as many: examining the things I wanted to change and making a commitments to carry through. It lasted until about the 17th. LOL. Highlights include weight, person of the year, aneurysms, fat info, birthdays, kidnapped boys, blog counter hitting 3K. February: sick, death, remembering, editorial, trip. March: Trip to Mexico, anniversary. April: reality, football, more exercise talk, beliefs,...