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Showing posts from December, 2005

Oops ... too quick on the keys

In the process of adding KVS's picture to my last post I somehow pressed publish. Although I can go back and change that one, I've decided to start a new one because ... oh, just because. Talking with KVS about what she's doing tonight and what everyone else is doing. There are a couple of places I would like to be, so it's really just a matter of deciding what I'm doing - but I haven't figured that out yet. Another aside - did I mention KVS and I got haircuts last night? Mine is a little wonky, kind of sideways cut bangs that lean if I blowdry them one way or look like they're straight cut if I blowdry the other way. Kind of kewl. KVS got a schwack of hair taken off - she's got so damn much of it! [Such a beautiful girl, with an intelligence she doesn't even realize she possesses yet. So much potential and I'm sure she will be successful at whatever she chooses. She just needs to get her butt in gear so far as school and priorities and such.] So...

Mini Wrap Up II

KVS did some playing with one of my pictures ... I think it looks very good. This blog was started yesterday, so I'm just going to add on to this at the bottom... I got off work a little early today, which is a very nice thing. It won't be happening again for a while, so I'm going to really enjoy it. The next stat after New Year's is Family Day (for those Albertans in the room) and then Easter - although I believe the kids get spring break before then. I won't get holidays until this summer - and then I'm not sure what I will get. I'll have to start thinking about that in March-ish. I forgot to write about my incredible jewelry find! I was at The General Store in Kingsway and they have a display of Vicky's jewelry. Everything is hand-made and incredible to look at - then you see the price ... $3.90 for a pair of earrings! $1.50 for another set and $4.90 for the most expensive ones. There were rings, bracelets and necklaces there too - you should all re...

Mini Wrap Up

Is it a good morning for you? Did you wake up with a purpose or are you still trying to get the sleep out of your eyes and start the coffee pot? My day began quietly - it's really nice that Lucy sleeps through the night now (for the most part). Now she and Raffi are chasing each other all around, and all without caffeine too! Go figure. The second last day of the year. What are your plans for New Years Eve? I have got a few offers of things to do and people to see. It's difficult with the city offers though, because you've eventually got to get home. I will most likely crash at my friend's house if I go that route so that there are no worries. We'll see. 2005 in review. I saw a blog where the person did a wrap-up just by listing the titles of their posts from the past year. I'm not going to do that because you can just scroll down the side to see them - it's not like I've done scads of writing! If you can't follow along, just look at the pictures and...

Resolutions or Revolutions?

Here is an article for those of you in some form of intimate relationship. I think you'll find it enlightening. Making New Year's resolutions is a great idea. Even if we violate them before February, it is good to resolve to improve one's life. It is far better to try and to fail than never to try. Most resolutions deal with dieting, exercise and other forms of self-improvement. These are fine and important. But any married person will tell you that there is no surer way to misery than a troubled marriage, so it is strange and unfortunate that people rarely make New Year's resolutions to improve this part of their life. The reason is not that husbands and wives don't care to improve their marriage. Most married people would pay a lot of money to do so. The problem is that they don't know how. They think that they have but three choices: go on as at present, seek professional counseling or split up. But there is a fourth option that can be enacted immediately: F...

Coming to the end ...

... of 2005. I remember, no really remember when I was 10 years old and Connie and I talked about the year 2000. Then I remember, really REALLY remember when I was 14 and Prince's song 1999 came out. We thought that was going to be forever away and couldn't even fathom being so old as 32! Crap - that was older than my parents! I seemed to remember seeing someone that old - she had support hose on and was pushing a walker. Now I'm 5 years further along and still wondering what each day will bring for adventure. What have I learned? I don't think much of anything except that because of teenagers I can understand why animals eat their young. We (DBR, BDJ and I) went to Dō and Baba's yesterday. The boys harassed Dō quite well while Baba and I had time to visit. We eventually got to the presents, but not until we'd finished supper and dessert. A good time was had by all as we caught up on the happenings of various family members. KVS stayed home because she was sup...

Boxing Day Adventures

DBR stayed at Dadum's last night. BDJ stayed at his friend's as they were heading to WEM this morning. KVS and I chillaxed last night until I crashed at 10:30PM - much too early for her liking but necessary for my state of mind to return to normal. Dadum's and DBR called KVS at 7AM to get ready to head to the city to spend their Christmas cash. They just arrived home with their loot, which includes CDs, DVDs, a Baltimore Ravens pillow, and a bra and scads of panties (that all put together still wouldn't cover my ass) to feed KVS addiction (I believe she's over 100 pairs of underwear by now). Dadums bought them each a sub and dropped them off at home along with a miniscule bag of cat food (we're all out of dry) for the boys. It took a whole 30 seconds to figure out I am in a bitchy mood today - I snapped about the cat food when I couldn't get a straight answer about why they would buy such a small bag and then snarked at KVS when she was showing me her stu...

Merry Happy Blessed Seasons ... Whatever suits you

How has your Christmas Day been? Ours started much later than it ever has before. Dadums came over to open presents around 9:15. We drank coffee, chatted and played with the pets, thinking the noise would wake at least one of the kidlets. When no one had even rolled over by 9:50, we decided it was time to get them going. Thus began stockings, followed by presents and finishing with breakfast and more coffee. Dadums, DBR and BDJ were back at his place by noon watching 40 Year-old Virgin and KVS was over at her Auntie K's visiting with her grandparents and the kidlets. I grabbed a blanket and settled onto the couch with my new back heater/massager and popped in my new movie March of the Penguins. (My friend C and I saw it in the theatre and Dadums remembered me saying how much I enjoyed it so got it for me!) I got my tea, put Lucy up to snuggle and flipped on the movie. The time flew by and before I knew it the movie was finished. Ran over to a friend's place with Miss...

One Shopping Day Left Until ...

Yesterday was supposed to be the busiest day for shopping, with a high likelihood that the debit and credit card lines will go down, although I'm sure today will be busy too. I can't believe how dependent on debit I've become - and how often I've been burned because I didn't have cash and the lines were down. The problem used to be that some stores didn't have debit, but that is becoming much less now-a-days (except at my place of employment, where many areas don't have debit - but there are scads of bank machines so those companies make money). I thankfully have no need to enter a shopping store today, just Sobey's for some groceries and then I'm done. I remember years ago Dadums and I doing our shopping on the 24th just before heading up to his parents' - it was madness. Thankfully I learned my lessons and now shop year-round for Christmas and birthdays. I have a gift closet where I'll put things away and then when the kids' have a b-d...

Only Five Shopping Days Left...

Christmas. That most wonderful time when merchants' eyes light up beginning after halloween in Canada and thanksgiving in the States. How many people really celebrate christmas for the christianity reason? I know in my family we celebrated christmas with santa and snowmen and lots of fun things - and I think there's something about a baby in there too. Then when we met my step-dad, his family celebrated the religiousness of the day complete with traditions and going to Mass. Being a Canadian kid and growing up in Clareview, I had an idea there were different celebrations that happened in November and December but it was harder to understand why some friends did one thing while another did something different. I've since learned a bit more of different customs and look forward to learning more in the years to come. What do you during this holiday season? Do you celebrate something because of religious reasons or because of family traditions or do you just say screw it all a...

BDJ Today


DBR Today






Me and Lucy Lew


Kids and Critters #2


Kids and Critters #1


KVS Today



December 18, 2005  

The Race Is On

Well not a race per se, but yet another step in the choice to live healthy or just for today. There are some things we need to stop and other things we need to start, some we need to add and others we need to take away. When we start to make choices to better ourselves physically and mentally then we show our true maturity and understanding of self-care and survival. DBR has recently made some life choices that are leading him toward a very healthy future. He's stopped some things and has taken up running; he wants to run a half marathon this spring! He is up to 5 km now and will be tackling 6km soon. He says he is sleeping better and is mentally alert and is feeling really good about himself. He has also increased the amount of time he spends lifting weights, and is enjoying his changing physique, especially all the definition he's building into his arms. So, DBR says, "Momums, I'd like you to start running with me." I ask him what exactly he's trying...

Hello? Is anyone there?

Well, we had yet another horrible case of child abuse reported in the city again. The frightening part is Det. Paul Czerwonka says, "I want the public to know that this is something very serious and this happens every day. This is not an isolated incident." Do have a listen to Yukon Jack's My Big Yap . Unfortunately, they don't have the one I wanted to direct you to listen to. Yukon had an awesome rant about parents being licensed by the government and I agree with him 100%. We have to obtain licenses and permits and pay fees for so many other things. Think of how families who are adopting are scrutinized. We should all have to go through that to have children. Maybe I would have passed or maybe we would have failed - that remains to be seen. But we can't continue to allow people to pop out little people just because the stick fits in the hole. This is sick. Anyway, hopefully they'll get his rant up there soon... What has happened to a 14 year old who alleged...

Etymology and Scattered Thoughts

The name Twyla creates a dual nature in that you can be very generous and understanding, but you can also be so candid in your expression that you create misunderstanding. You struggle with the requirement to soften your expression with tact and diplomacy and to consider the feelings of others. Difficulty in accepting advice or admitting that you may have made a mistake causes you to appear to be stubborn and set in your ways. Thus, you have too often created the wrong impression, and friendships have suffered. Even though the name Twyla creates the urge to be artistically creative and original, we emphasize that it causes an emotional intensity that is hard to control. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the nervous system, and tension or accidents to the head. Well, isn't that just most interesting. It came from a site that is a little off shall we say. I typed in a few names of peo...

Tulip Sans Tantrum




DBR's Trophy!

I neglected to post congratulations to our awesome DBR winning the Boehres Trophy at the Sting Banquet! This trophy is for the player with the most heart and dedication to the team and game. We are very proud of you, honey. Love you bunches!

OMG - KVS!!!!!!!!! Happy Belated B-day!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Very Nice B-Day Nails! Back in March I think When 'puter was in basement Happy 15th B-day KVS! Our beautiful baby girl made her arrival at 8:59 AM on December 11th and immediately won everyones' hearts. She weighed in at 7lbs 7 1/2 oz and was 19 1/2" long. She was the most beautiful girl I had (and have) ever seen in my entire life! And she still is - most definitely. She has grown into a beautiful young lady who is venturing through life with a wonderful smile and compassionate nature, so like her daddy, wrapped up in a dramatic, outgoing and outspoken blanket (wonder who she gets that from). :-) Know that you are loved more than any other girl on the face of this earth. We're so glad you're our baby girl. Momums, Dadums, DBR, BDJ and critters xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

The Stairs

The stairs are going well at work, however the Christmas season and all these damn goodies that keep arriving at work are not assisting my hips in doing any shrinking. I just read this great article on self esteem and exercise. I do know I felt better when I exercised more regularly. It was so easily to fall out of the routine though and I wonder how long you have to do that before it just gets easier to stick with. I've got BDJ here bugging me for the puter, so I'm going to publish this and get off. Toodles for now!

Puppies #3

Puppies #2

Puppy Sweaters

Britt and Lucy on a walk...

Absolutely Horrendous

I just read the most disturbing article about a child whose entire being has been taken away from her from a depraved individual her mother chose to allow into their home. This beast received eight years for the four years of hell he put this baby through. Eight years? Tell me why, we as a society, allow these sorts of actions to face consequences of eight years? Why will he have “served his time” after less than three thousand days but the thirty five thousand hours she suffered at his hands will haunt her forever until her dying breath. After making a choice to condemn this child to a lifetime hell of psychological agony, all he has to do is spend some time in a closet wacking off to the demented images he succeeded in searing into not only his own but many others minds, due to his capturing the acts on film and video. So, he gets to relive all the many times he hurt and degraded and defiled this child, most likely getting progressively worse which in turn causes him greater e...

Rants, thoughts and ponderings

Chewing with your mouth open. Misaligned headlights. People who tailgate. Stinky people. Too much of anything can be a bad thing. Liars and thieves. Spandex is a right not a privilege. The lack of common manners. Hypocrits. Sleep has left me alone to carry the weight of unravelling where we went wrong … It's all I can do to hang on to keep me from falling, into old familiar shoes Do you write everything in your blog or do you keep a separate journal? I do not write everything in this blog - there’s no way in hell any of you could handle my warped mind. Plus if you write everything about yourself and you’re an open book … what does that leave for anyone to learn about you? I do believe I could be more open in some ways and should probably be less open in others (yes, please many of you are saying). As much as I would sometimes like to write everything down in here, once the words are written and put online then they can never be taken back. At least when you write something in...

Happy Birthday BDJ!

14 years ago this morning we met our third child, a beautiful baby boy. He weighed 7lbs 10 ½ oz and measured 20 ½" long. He was a robust boy with large hands and feet, and a deep cry. He’s grown well over the years and is getting beastly in size at almost 5’11” with size 13 feet. Happy 14th Son! We love you more than all the love in the world! Momums, Dadums, DBR, KVS and pets xoxoxoxoxoxoxo