Very Nice B-Day Nails!
Back in March I think
When 'puter was in basementHappy 15th B-day KVS! Our beautiful baby girl made her arrival at 8:59 AM on December 11th and immediately won everyones' hearts. She weighed in at 7lbs 7 1/2 oz and was 19 1/2" long. She was the most beautiful girl I had (and have) ever seen in my entire

life! And she still is - most definitely. She has grown into a beautiful young lady who is venturing through life with a wonderful smile and compassionate nature, so like her daddy, wrapped up in a dramatic, outgoing and outspoken blanket (wonder who she gets that from). :-)
Know that you are loved more than any other girl on the

face of this earth. We're so glad you're our baby girl.
Momums, Dadums, DBR, BDJ and critters
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