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January 10, 1991 11:45 AM


Hi there. I don't really have much to write about today, so I figured I'd bring you up to date on some of the news.

I don't know if you'll remember this, but Iraq invaded Kuwait. The US and Canada have both sent troops over there. Iraq has been presented with a January 15th deadline for leaving Kuwait, but I don't think that they will. If they don't the US has stated that they will take military action. War looks imminent. Just like everyone else, I wish it didn't have to come to this, but I'm pretty sure that it will. I'll keep you updated on what's happening.

I called the hospital this morning to see how you're doing. I guess you had a rough night as you were very nauseous and were vomiting quite a bit. You slept from about 3:30 AM to 7:30 AM. They are giving you morphine and gravol. I hope that you start feeling better soon. It's finally warming up a bit, so I hope to come and visit you one night soon. I don't know if you'll remember me being there, but I'm sure you'll still enjoy seeing Kiershyn. She of course has to come with me, as we're still boob feeding. I'm really enjoying breast feeding her. We've made it way past how long I made it with Drey, and I'm quite pleased with it. I'm going to pick up some Enfalac ready packs, so that I'll be able to go out for an evening and Darrin can just feed her.

Shooshie's still breast feeding too, but her munchkin is only a week old today. I asked if she's leaking all over the place and she said that she's only leaking on the left side. I told her that that was the side I'm leaking on also, and decided that we must be kindred spirits. I wish we lived closer together. It would be nice for our babies to be able to play together. Well, some things aren't always possible.

Dreytan has adjusted to Kiershyn so well. He isn't the least bit jealous. I don't know if we handled introducing them well or what, but he's very helpful. He gives her kisses all of the time, gives her her soother if she's crying, rocks her little chair for her, shares his soft toys with her, tries to give her juice from his bottle, and various other things. He calls her "Keys" or "Key", and on occasion, will call her "Keysyn", but that isn't very often. He gets quite upset when Mama puts her to bed and she doesn't come downstairs with us. When he hears her cry, whether it's when she's downstairs or upstairs, he comes and screams at me as if to say, "She's crying. What are you going to do about it?" When I first found out I was pregnant, I was terrified of having them closed together, but I sure am glad that I did now.

Drey is learning a lot of new words. I'll give you a list of the words he's saying and I'll try to spell them as he says them. He says uptair, downtair, cookie, juice, hello (or hedo), do (as in Gido), bye bye, Mama, mine Mama (he reminds me that I'm his), hi Dad, and various other words.

I have to tell you a couple of funny stories about Drey. Right now he's looking at the pictures on the bookcase and he sees Daddy. He is calling out Dad, Dad. This is just one of the many occurrences. I have your camcorder here (I'm taping the kids) and you had some things on the tape in it that I knew you hadn't put onto tape yet. I decided to put them on a tape. Daddy just happened to be on one of those tapes. Drey went up to the TV and started talking to Daddy. When he wouldn't answer, he started screaming, "Dad! Dad!" He got very upset when Dad wouldn't answer, so we had to turn the television off. It's quite an experience having a toddler around, especially one who is so fond of his Daddy.

Well, I should be signing off for now. I'll write more later.

I love you. Twyla
