Drey just woke up so the 1st part of this letter will be real short.
Your operation went fabulously and the only thing you have to do now is recover.
Will write more once I get Drey up and put my clothes away.
(2:00 PM) Well, Drey's finished his lunch and my clothes have been put away.
I'm glad the operation went so well. I knew you'd make it through no problem. While they were doing the operation, they bumped the nerve for your left eye and it was fixed, not moving. That since changed and the doctor says they must have irritated it. I guess you opened your eyes today and you're responding to their commands. That's fabulous news. You'll be in ICU for a couple of days and then you'll be back in the observation room. I guess your hospital recover time will be about 3 weeks. I'm hopeful that you'll be home for x-mas.
I feel so much better now that your operations are all done with. I thought our little package would be arriving today, but now I'm not so sure. I hate the waiting game, but it sure plays a big part in the arrival of a baby.
Drey is talking a lot and seems to be learning new words every day. He says a variety, of which I'll try to list here:
shoes, dad, mama, flowers (sours), soon, oh-oh, hi, bye-bye, don't, no, zoomy
He's becoming much more sociable. He says "hi" to all sorts of people. He's also taken up sing, of which I'm very pleased. We sing to each other quite often, and he's taken up dancing while the Elephant Show is on.
Well, I've got some dishes to do and my next load of clothes will be dry soon.
I'll write more later.
I love you. Twyla
Drey just woke up so the 1st part of this letter will be real short.
Your operation went fabulously and the only thing you have to do now is recover.
Will write more once I get Drey up and put my clothes away.
(2:00 PM) Well, Drey's finished his lunch and my clothes have been put away.
I'm glad the operation went so well. I knew you'd make it through no problem. While they were doing the operation, they bumped the nerve for your left eye and it was fixed, not moving. That since changed and the doctor says they must have irritated it. I guess you opened your eyes today and you're responding to their commands. That's fabulous news. You'll be in ICU for a couple of days and then you'll be back in the observation room. I guess your hospital recover time will be about 3 weeks. I'm hopeful that you'll be home for x-mas.
I feel so much better now that your operations are all done with. I thought our little package would be arriving today, but now I'm not so sure. I hate the waiting game, but it sure plays a big part in the arrival of a baby.
Drey is talking a lot and seems to be learning new words every day. He says a variety, of which I'll try to list here:
shoes, dad, mama, flowers (sours), soon, oh-oh, hi, bye-bye, don't, no, zoomy
He's becoming much more sociable. He says "hi" to all sorts of people. He's also taken up sing, of which I'm very pleased. We sing to each other quite often, and he's taken up dancing while the Elephant Show is on.
Well, I've got some dishes to do and my next load of clothes will be dry soon.
I'll write more later.
I love you. Twyla
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