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January 14, 1991 12:17 PM


Well, it's one of those days. I've started weening Drey off of his bottle today. It's turning out to be very interesting. I had started it last week, but he could take the lid off the cup I had, so it didn't work out. We picked up a new cup yesterday and we've started again. I'm hoping tomorrow will be better than today.

Drey's starting to show that he's ready for potty teaching. I think I'm going to start that once he's weened from his daytime bottle. I haven't even attempted to break him of his nap and night time bottle, but that will come later. Anyways, he's starting to show signs that he's getting ready for the potty. He usually goes away when he's having a bm. He knows what it means when I say let's go change his pants. He gets quite upset when I change his poo pants. And various other little signs. So, we'll be starting that in a little while.

Darrin is at the doctor's office right now. He fell off of his bench at work and wracked up his knee. He went to the Medicentre, but the doctor there didn't really say much. So, he's off to see Dr. Goede. He'll more than likely go back to work tomorrow.

Kiershyn's getting big! I didn't realize how much she'd grown until I saw Tezlin (that's what Michelle called her baby boy). She eats lots during the day (we're still breast feeding), but sleeps at least 5 hours at night, sometimes more.

Well, she wants to be fed right now, so I'll write more later.

I love you. Twyla
